Chapter 21

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"Wonwoo~" Sara cling onto Wonwoo's arm. They were in an ice cream parlour.

It's been happening because everyone saw him without his spectacles. He rolled his eyes before pushing her away.

"Go away Sara can't you see me eating with Mingyu?" Wonwoo coldly said.

"But you will be mine. You're not even dating." Sara smirked.

"For yo-"

"He's dating me." Mingyu cut Wonwoo off.

"Y-you guys are g-gay?" Sara asked shock.

"No shit woman, no if you excuse us we are having our date right now. We don't care if you tell the whole world cause we don't give two craps about it." Mingyu pulled Wonwoo out of the ice cream parlour.

"Yah I was gonna tell her. I had enough of that." Wonwoo lightly knocked his head.

"At least I told her maybe we should have kiss so, that she'll know that this is real." Mingyu said making Wonwoo blush.

"N-no!" Wonwoo stuttered making Mingyu laugh.

Mingyu's laugh was music to Wonwoo's ear.

They walked to a park before sitting on the grass.

"Let's wait for the sunset." Mingyu said playing with Wonwoo's fingers.

"But we can't see from here."

"It's okay as long as I'm with you." Mingyu said sexily into Wonwoo's ear.

Wonwoo turned to him smirking. Mingyu looked at him confused.

"What ar-" Wonwoo roughly pressed his lips onto Mingyu.

Mingyu gasped at how Wonwoo caught him off guard. Wonwoo smirked before biting Mingyu's bottom lip.

Before Mingyu allowed him, they heard a cough.

"Guys this is a public place and where kids play so, please don't make out here."

They quickly pulled away turning to who it was.

Seungcheol and Chan. They blushed before Mingyu spoke.

"What are you guys doing here. I was having a moment with my lover here." Mingyu said clearly not amused.

"We were gonna visit you but we saw you guys walking to the park so, we just followed you." Chan said.

"Aish." Mingyu sighed.

"Let's go back to our place then." Wonwoo said getting up.

"No it's fine we'll just visit you guys next time let's go Seungcheol hyung." Chan said pulling him away.

"But babe~" Seungcheol whined.

"No we have to leave them with their business today." Chan said smiling at the couple who were sitting again waiting for the sunset.

"Fine but I'll get a kiss." Seungcheol said puckering his lips.

"You can always get a kiss." Chan kissed Seungcheol's on the lip after they were far away from the meanie couple.

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