Chapter 9 - What happened??

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~~~ I loved the last chapter even though, as someone commented, it kinda sounded like a scene from High School Musical 2 hahaha ~~~
Zoe's P.O.V;
By the time we got back to mine, it was the early hours of the morning. I decided that I definitely wouldn't let Alfie drive all the way back to his house tonight - it would take over an hour and he needs to rest. He'll just have to crash here for the night in the guest bedroom or something.
As soon as I got in, I hung up my coat, put my keys on the table and walked up the stairs. I felt exhausted and ready for bed. Alfie followed me up as we chatted and chatted.
I felt a huge yawn escape from my mouth and Alfie chuckled. I giggled with him whilst we walked into my bedroom and I collapsed onto my bed.
Alfie's P.O.V;
I grinned when I saw a tired Zoe, flopping onto her duvet. She looked so cute. Her makeup had worn during the long day but she looked just as beautiful without any makeup. I walked into the guest bedroom and changed into my boxers. I was about to slip into my bed when Zoe ran in (dressed in her pyjamas) and slapped me with a pillow. She laughed but I picked up one of mine and bashed her back. This spiralled into a pillow fight. I tried to go easy on her but she was actually very strong for such a petite body. We laughed until she eventually knocked me onto the floor with her pillow.
"I won! I won!" She shouted as she ran and jumped back onto her bed. I didn't know that she was that good at pillow fights.
I walked in after her, switching the TV channel onto a Harry Potter film - my favourite. Zoe seemed to like Harry Potter too 'cause she squealed excitedly when I put it on. We sat on her bed and watched.
Zoe yawned again and I knew that she was very tired.
She moved around, uncomfortably before resting her head on my shoulder/chest. After a while, I could hear her quietly snoring and I knew she was asleep on me. My little one. This made me smile.
Aw I love her so much.
Nothing else really seemed to matter at this moment. The only place I wanted to be was with Zoe. I soon drifted to sleep with Zoe snuggled against me. It was well and truly perfect.
Zoe's P.O.V;
I woke up to the bright sunlight shining on my eyes. I could here the birds tweeting and I could feel the warmth of the sun, warming my body. I smiled and opened my eyes, expecting to see Alfie lay next to me. But he wasn't. The curtains had been opened so he had obviously woken up.
I got out of bed and walked down the stairs.
"Alfie?" I called out, waiting for a response.
"Hey!" I heard a familiar voice reply. But it wasn't Alfie.
I turned to my side to see someone sat on the sofa beside me.
I gasped...
"JOE, YOU SCARED ME SOO MUCH!!!" I cried, moaning. I do love him but he does annoy me sometimes.
He laughed, and I laughed with him.
"Where's Alfie?" I asked.
Joe looked at me with a guilty expression on his face.
Oh no. What happened this time?
~~~ Ooh, keep updated for the next chapter ~~~

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