Meeting the Pines and Southeast

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+Location ?: Place ?+

Dipper opened his eye and groaned. He moved his hand and felt bed sheets? The brunet sat up quickly which was a big mistake since he got a head ache. "Oh headrush- Ow..."

"Um, excuse us?" Someone said to him.

Dipper turned to the source of the voice and saw Gideon and Pacifica. The shocking thing was that they were wearing his and Mabel's style of clothes. "Gideon?! Pacifica?! What the heck are you doing wearing our clothes? Wait I must be hallucinating..." He said while pinching the bridge of his nose. "Maybe it was the Mabel Juice? It was the only thing in the fridge this morning." Dipper muttered to himself.

Pacifica went up to Dipper pulling Gideon right behind her. "Quick question!"

The brunet gave her his attention, "Y-Yeah?"

"What's your name and where do you live? Where do you think you are?" The blond girl asked Dipper serious.

"I'm Dipper Pines and I live in Pidmont California. I'm staying over at my Great Uncle's place for the summer in Gravity Falls, so I'm guessing that's where I am right now." Dipper answered as he gestured to the attic room they were in. "I'm suppose to be here with my twin sister Mabel too."

Gideon looked at Dipper surprised. "I'm sorry to tell you this Dipper, but your in the wrong dimension. This is Reverse Falls, the mirror opposite of Gravity Falls. Will told us that he sensed you entering our dimension."

Dipper looked curious at the mention of Will. "Who is Will? Also who are you two if I'm in a different dimension?" Looking between the two people.

Pacifica gave him a friendly smile, "I'm Pacifica Southeast! This guy next to me is my cousin!" She happily says while she gave the guy a hug.

"I'm Gideon Pines and my Uncle Bud owns the Mystery Shack." Gideon introduced himself. "Will is actually a blue triangle demon and caring dude, but he's a cry baby. He gives people sweet dreams when people are having nightmares."

Dipper chuckled a bit, "He sounds so much better than his opposite in my dimension. Bill's big time weird and powerful demon, making bad deals, tricking people, and giving people nightmares." He rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm surprise your Gideon and Pacifica's opposite. Pacifica Northwest, rich daughter of the town's founding family. While Gideon Gleeful is the town's best wittle psychic who runs the Tent of Telepathy." He shrugged his shoulder and laughed a bit.

"Wow we're that popular with the town in a way." Pacifica laughed.

"I think Gideon's got it worst since he has a really big crush on my twin Mabel in our dimension, but he's sitting in jail at the moment." Dipper smiles as he looks at Gideon who blushes a bit in embarrassment.

Gideon quickly changed the topic, "So Dipper, do you remember why your in our dimension?"

Dipper hummed in thought trying to remover what had happen and how he got here.

"Did anything happen at your place?"

Then it clicked in Dipper head. "Ah! I remember now! After my Great Uncle came from a portal and our family and a friend tricked the government agents, I came down with my sister to the basement to check on the portal. We were rummaging through the rubble to find the off switch, but the portal was malfunctioning, Mabel was close to the portal and was about to be sucked in! So I rammed her away from the portal and I got sucked in instead." His tone getting sadder as he explained what happen. He cover his face with his hands and sighed. "How am I gonna get home?" He moaned.

Pacifica patted Dipper on the back to get the boy to lighten up. "We'll figure something out Dip! For now, while your here, you can stand and hangout with us! It's gonna fun! We can hangout with Dip who isn't trying to always hurt us."

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