He's my Boyfriend

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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack+

Pacifica and Tyrone were glaring forcefully at each other, not backing down to either one's superior trait. Dominic stayed clam and relaxed in his boyfriend's arms, just sighing knowing this would have been coming sooner or later to bite him on the butt.

"What the heck! I should be asking you the same thing." Pacifica retorted as she stood up and crossed her arms over her chest obviously mad. "Don't you know its rude to interrupt someone when their confessing?"

"I didn't know, I completely didn't see anything going on between you two." Tyrone says back sarcastically with a slight growl that Dominic could hear. "I'm just doing what I usually do to protect Dominic here." The tone he was using made Pacifica annoyed as well as mad at him to the core.

The two of them started bickering while getting louder and louder by the minute that Wendy and Mabel had to stop them. Tyrone was just about ready to use his torture methods he usually does with Reverse Pacifica also with a throw in to strangle her. Pacifica on the other hand was going to use her well manicured nails to claw at the male furiously.

"Whoa you two! Calm down now." Wendy tells them as she got in between the two, but they don't listen to her at all. "Dudes!"

They continue to ignore her and Mabel had to hold Pacifica back from scratching Tyrone in the face. "Pacifica calm down girl!"

"Not until I scratch this guy and kick him hard where the sun don't shine." Pacifica says in a serious tone, fighting against Mabel's hold.

Dominic, who was getting bored, got out of Tyrone's hold in a fluid motion and quickly knocked the mad teen unconscious. He picked his lover up and leaned his weight on him, when he looked up back at them he saw the girls looking at him in surprise. "Ah don't worry about this guys, this is normal, in a way." He held back a incoming laugh. "I'll just take him upstairs in the shack and get him to cool down once he wakes up." Dominic took his counterpart out of the lab and up on the ground floor of the shack. Heading to his use to be shared room with his twin.

Mabel and Pacifica had another talk to compose herself to calm down. Pacifica eventually did with a few breathing exercises and ranting about Tyrone for an hour or so.

"That jerk, cutting Dipper off from answering me. Just when I finally built up the courage to ask him." The blond teen fumed. "Seriously I just wanna!" She groaned.

Mabel patted her on the back gently. "Well I can see why Ty would cut you off Paz. Back in his reverse dimension he was rich and popular like you and magically inclined like Gideon. Your reverse self is like me so he hates you there coming from the original Pacifica side of him. That's why I think he wants to piss you off."

"How do you know that Mabel?"

Mabel shrugged her shoulders. "He told me when we were getting to know each other. Told me about his family, my reverse self, reverse you and Gideon, and the town. We practically got along as we talked, he's a nice guy in my opinion."

Pacifica made a face that didn't agree. "Well my opinion of him says other wise." She says sternly.

Mabel rolled her eyes and patted Pacifica on the back. "Listen, lets make it up between you and Ty first, then at some point you can ask Dip Dot again. Sound good?"

The blond took a few calming breaths before nodding in agreement. "Fine, let head up to them to check if he finally regained consciousness."

The two girls got up from their spot and they headed for the elevator that would take them upstairs to the ground floor. Thankfully the shack itself was still in one piece when they made it to the ground floor. They walked around the halls to the stairs and went up to Mabel and Dipper's used to be shared room.

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