I Love Him/Leaving?!

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+Reverse Falls: Morning at the Gleeful House+

Tyrone stared at Dominic in surprise by his answer. His words caught in his throat to answer him back, 'This is my chance.' He thought. Their foreheads were still pressed against against each other, breaths still mixing. "Dominic..."

Dominic was worrying inside now that he had told Tyrone he had a dream about him. 'He must be disgusted by me.' He thought to himself, internally getting to the fact that he accepts he loves his counterpart. "Y-Yes?"

The psychic caught the other's lips with his, kissing the brunet lovingly. His arms wrapping around the teen's waist while Dominic slowly wrapped his arms around Tyrone's neck. He pulled back from the kiss and looked at Dominic happy. "Dominic, I love you. I know it's really sudden of me to say this, but I really love you. Two people... They kinda helped me notice it." He caressed Dominic's cheek gently.

"I love you too Tyrone... Oh my gosh Tyrone..." Dominic hugged Tyrone tightly hoping this wasn't a dream either. Tyrone hugged him back just as tightly and kissed the top of his counterpart's head. He was just so happy that Tyrone returned his feelings and the thought just processed in his head. 'Omg I have a boyfriend now!' Mentally he facepalms to himself, 'Mabel is gonna have a cow if she ever knows about this.'

Tyrone couldn't be anymore happier inside than he usual was. Dominic was his and he was Dominic's. That's all that mattered to him right at this moment. He looked down at Dominic who looks right back at him with his chocolate doe brown eyes, "I love you Dominic." Lovingly saying to his other half.

"I love you too Tyrone." Dominic says back with a chuckle as he looking into Tyrone's light teal eyes.

They share a quick kiss and smile at each other.

Time Skip~ 2 Years~

Over the past two years, Dominic was exposed as Tyrone's counterpart and lover. The town didn't mind as long as one of their friends were happy with their decision. They were happy for the two of them especially the two cousins from the Mystery Shack. They got to know Dominic over the years course and found Tyrone got to be quite protective of him when there were too many people crowding him. It was a fun two years, but it was done, Dominic needed to go home.

+Dipper's Mindscape+

Dipper woke up in his mindscape like he did after a couple of days after coming to Reverse Falls. He found himself seated across Will in his human form. "Hi Will." He greeted the blue dream demon with a smile.

"H-Hello to you too PineTree. You probably know why I brought you back here to talk." Will slightly smiled back at him. He snapped his fingers and a pendent necklace appeared and fell into his hand. "I'm sorry it took so long to gather everything to make this. I was off by a year and you had to wait all this time."

Dipper expressed a sad smile, "Its okay Will , I didn't mind staying here for awhile longer. I got to spend a lot of time with everyone here in Reverse Falls. Especially with Tyrone." He sighed, but kept his smile. "It's time for me to go home now, isn't it?" He held out his hand and Will have him the necklace. He inspected the piece of jewelry carefully taking in its design. Simple light blue tear drop pendent held by a black ribbon.

"You don't have to use it right away PineTree, take you time before leaving. Say your goodbyes too, I'm sure Burning Tree would miss you a lot if you just suddenly disappeared." The dream demon told him, he stood up and went over to Dipper. He sat beside the young teen patting his head. "You could always ask Bill to let you come here and visit us."

The teen looked at Will curiously, "You still didn't tell me how I'm connected with Bill you know."

Will chuckled a bit smiling down at Dipper. "You should ask him that when you return home." He took the necklace from Dipper's hand carefully and placed it around the brunet's neck. "See you later PineTree."

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