Getting Jealous

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+Reverse Falls: Telepathy Tent+

Tyrone covered his ears when Pacifica started squeal happily. His blush becoming a more noticeable now that his hand was covering his ears.

Pacifica started jumping up and down in excitement. "Dipstick you gotta let me help you get together with Dip! Please!" She practically pleaded.

"Paz you might want to tone it down a bit. We're gonna be deaf if you don't stop screaming." Gideon exclaimed.

The blond girl stopped and clam down a bit, but still continued to grin widely. "Please Dipstick! Please!"

Tyrone rolled his eyes while rubbing his ears. "First of all we don't even know it Dominic likes me. Second, I'm still not sure if I have strong feelings for him. It's pretty much useless for you to try and get us together." He told her as he stood up from his seat. He went over to one of the shelves and pulled out a couple of books.

"Well you have to try or you won't know! As for your possible strong feelings for him, they just need to be brought out, with some unsuspecting help of course." Pacifica smiled and leans to Gideon to whisper something in his ear. The albino nodded and ran out of the tent to go somewhere. "Have you ever been jealous of anyone towards Dip?"

The brunet set the books on her s desk with a thud."Not really I guess. No one's been trying to hit on him or anything."

Pacifica grabbed Tyrone's hand and led him outside. "Well we'll deal with it later then!" Though she had a special plan for him in stored.

+Town: With Dominic and Gideon+

Gideon had pulled Dominic out of the Gleeful house, thankfully without being seen by Mabel Gleeful, and to the town. He led him to the middle of town where the coin fountain was and got him to sit down. "Just sit here for awhile and wait, please Dip?"

"Gideon I really think I shouldn't be out of the house without one of the twin's permission. I don't want you guys to get hurt because of them." Dominic says unsure looking around. Some people were looking at him surprised and curious.

"Don't worry Dip, Gleeful is gonna pick you up. Just stay here, okay?"

Dominic gave his friend a reluctant nod and watched as the male disappear within the crowd. He looked at the fountain behind him and dipped his fingers in the cold water.


The brunet turned his head hoping it was Tyrone, but it turned out to be some random teen with short black hair wearing some casual clothes. The teen was about an inch taller than him. He didn't recognize him in town so he must be a tourist. "Um, hi..."

+Town: Tyrone and Pacifica+

Pacifica looked around for their target and found him quickly. Dominic was sitting on the edge of the fountain by himself playing with the water. She turned to Tyrone, "Okay Dipstick follow me and don't move away from me until I say so."

"Who gave you the right to order me around." He glared at her again and crossed his arms over his chest. Tyrone even had to do a quick wardrobe change by Pacifica's orders. Black tank top with a light white long sleeve jacket. Black pants with sneakers, a white belt, and his amulet hanging around his neck.

"Because I'm the one helping you get together with Dip." The blond retorted as she rolled his eyes and lead him behind a corner where Gideon was waving at them. "Good job getting him here Gid." She gave Gideon a fist bump.

Reverse Love [Dipcest] +Discontinued+Where stories live. Discover now