Meet the Gleeful Twins

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+Reverse Falls: Gleeful House+

The Gleeful twins looked at the boy laid on reverse Dipper's bed. Sleeping away unaware of the two talking about him.

"Hmm so this is what Will was talking about." Mabel says snapping some photos of Dipper with her phone.

"What's with the picture taking dear sister?"

Mabel smirked, "Oh just some future blackmail on you." She laughed and headed for the door. "You take care of him since he is you. I have better things to do than whatever this is." The brunette left her brother alone with his counterpart.

Reverse Dipper shook his head and turned back to the sleeping look alike. He brought his hand to the other's shoulder and shook him awake. "Hey, wake up."

"Mabel, five more minutes..." Dipper moaned tiredly. "And I don't want any of your Mabel Juice."

Reverse Dipper got annoyed and just pushed Dipper off the bed.

"Ah!" Dipper yelped as he fell of the bed and landed on the floor with a thud. He groaned in pain and looked up at his counterpart with a glare. "What was that for you jerk?!"

"You weren't waking up when I tried to wake you up politely. So I used the rough way to wake you up." He told Dipper as he watched him get up from the floor. He notice the slight height difference between them, Dipper was just a few centimeters shorter than him with doe chocolate brown eyes that screamed adorableness.

Dipper also noticed it, but didn't say anything about it. Just mentally noting the slight appearance change of his reverse self. Parted hair to show his Big Dipper birthmark, baby blue and black clothing, confident air. 'Yup, definitely a popular type of person.' The brunet thought. His counterpart's eye was what was most captivating to him. Light blue eyes that just seem to hypnotize him. "I guess since we're both Dipper it would be confusing to keep say each other's nickname. I'm Dominic Pines from the original dimension from this one, technically your opposite self."

"I'm Tyrone Gleeful. I'm surprised that I would be a Pines in another dimension." He told Dominic with a small amused smile.

Dominic's stomach growled loudly causing him to blush in embarrassment. "Sorry... I haven't eaten after what happen to me getting here."

Tyrone took the other's hand and led them to the kitchen. "Will." He called out.

A blue triangle with a black top hat and bow tie appeared before them. He looked between Tyrone and Dominic. "Y-Yes Master?"

Dominic looked at Bill's counterpart who looked like he was on the brink of tears.

"Make some dinner for our guest and myself quickly." Tyrone ordered Will who rushed to pull out ingredients to make their food.

"Hey Will let me help you." Dominic says as he offered the blue demon some help. He was about to walk over to him, but his counterpart held him back.

"Just let the pathetic demon do it. He's under my orders anyways." Tyrone said to him.

Dominic gave Tyrone an unapproved look for insulting Will, "That's not right dude, obviously you haven't been treating Will right. I wouldn't mind if it was Bill who you were doing it to, that guy is a jerk honestly, but Will is different." He tugged himself away from Tyrone and turned himself to look at Will with a smile. "So Will, what are you making? I'll try my best to help."

Will seemed hesitant with him, "U-Uh are you s-s-sure you w-wanna help me sir?" He saw his Master giving him a hard glare from behind Dominic. "I-I mean y-you don't really n-need to help me..."

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