Reunions and Starting Problems

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+Gravity Falls: Mystery Shack-Basement Lab+

Mabel walked over to her Grunkle Ford after awhile of looking for her brother. "Grunkle Ford, have you seen Dipper around? I can't find him since this morning, I even checked upstairs in the shack."

Ford looked over the people around them and noticed that he couldn't spot his great nephew either. "I haven't seen him around either Mabel. Here I'll help you ask around."

She smiled and nodded her head. "Thanks!"

They went around asking people if they've seen him and didn't get any clues. That was until Gideon came over with Ghost-eyes.

"I heard you guys were having trouble finding Dipper so I asked some of my friends if they've seen him. Apparently Ghosteyes here has caught sight of him." Gideon told them and they looked at the man for more information.

"I saw him head out of the lab yesterday, but I thought he was just getting something from upstairs, so I thought maybe he would have come back down. I haven't seen him return since."

Mabel gasp now having a forbidding feeling within her. "Do you think Dipper went outside?!"

"But what reason would there be fore him to go though?" Gideon asked.

Ford hummed in thought before making a decision. "Maybe he's going after Bill to stop him."

"Then we have to go get him before something bad happens to him!" Mabel exclaimed gripping onto her sweater tightly worried for her brother.

"Mabel pick two people from you team, your coming with us to go search for your brother. So Stanley, myself, Soos, and Wendy will becoming along. Your other two friends will hold the fort here while we're gone." For told her and walked off to find the others.

"Alright Grunkle Ford!"


Dipper woke up to the sight of Bill, in human form, staring down at him and he merely gave the demon a unpleased expression. "Why are you staring at me Bill? It's too early to be doing stuff like this."

"Just bored, so I though I could scare you a bit when you woke up." He sighed. "But that didn't seem to work either."

Dipper rubbed his eyes and sat up on his bed. "What's happening? Anything new?"

"Nope! My gang are still partying downstairs. I just came back from checking on them. Though Eightball did eat a lot of those red little peppers in one bite and started breathing fire."

The teen laughed at that. "Well if he wants it to be gone, tell him to gulp down some milk." He stood up and stretched. "Anyways, I think I should be on my way. I can't worry my family by missing again."

"Aww! Come on PineTree, I'm family too, and this demon needs some family time." Bill whines with fake hurt.

Dipper hugged Bill for a moment before letting go of him. "Don't worry Bill, we can hangout sometime later."

"And just how long is later?"

"When you decided to finally stop Weirdmageddon Party." Dipper says with a smirk. He heard Bill groan and shook his head. "Now can you at least send me to the ground or do I have fall to my death trying?"

"Fine!" Bill snapped his fingers and Dipper disappeared with a pop. He huffed now feeling really lonely. 'Maybe I should call Will and have a talk with him.' The blond floated over to the bed and sat down. He snapped his fingers again and made a screen pop up with words calling for Will. It rang for awhile, but it didn't pick up. "That's weird, Will always picks up whenever I call him."

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