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+The Next Day: At the Carnival+

Tyrone and Dominic spent the whole day at the carnival as promised yesterday. The brunet psychic watched his counterpart smiling and having fun as they went playing games, riding the attractions, and watching the traveling circus that was there too.

"Hey Tyrone! Let's go on the Ferris Wheel next." Dominic smiled as he pointed to it.

"Dominic, it's better if we right that thing when it gets dark. We can watch the fireworks from there later." Tyrone suggested and pointed to the dunk booth. "Let's do some other stuff until then." 'I just want to inspect more on other things about you.' He thought looking at Dominic with calculating eyes.

The both of them went over to the dunk booth and noticed it was the Pines family running the booth.

"Pacifica! Gideon!" Dominic exclaimed running over to them. The two cousins smiled when they saw him, but frowned at the sight of Tyrone right behind him.

Tyrone just watched and listened to the three talk about how Dominic was and what happened after they were separated. He noticed the Gideon and Pacifica taking glances at him too. The brunet crossed his arms glaring at them.

"Hey Dip you should try the dunk game out." Pacifica says smiling at Dominic. She tossed him a baseball to throw at the target to dunk their Uncle Bud.

Dominic caught it and looked at them, "Please tell me you aren't gonna spend me dry of my money."

"Don't worry Dip, this one is on us." Gideon told his friend.

Tyrone watched as Dominic look at the baseball in his hand with a fond, but sad smile. "Something wrong?"

"Oh, haha... I was just remembering a carnival event back in my dimension earlier in my summer. I was trying to impress this girl I like by winning her a doll from this game booth, but it didn't go too well." Dominic awkwardly laughs as he finished explaining.

Something in Tyrone's chest seemed to squeeze a little, but his facial expression didn't show it as he kept a bored look. "Hmm..."

"Oh~ Who was the lucky girl?" Pacifica asked interested.

"It was a teenage who was older than me, Wendy Corduroy."

Tyrone let out a little growl at the name, 'Of course he would be in love with that bitch.' He thought angrily.

Dominic looked at Tyrone with a shy smile, " You okay there Tyrone?" He walked closer to the other. The brunet once again found himself staring into those hypnotizing bright teal blue eyes.

Tyrone calm down his thoughts when he saw Dipper smiling at his. "I'm fine Dominic." He looked between the game prize and his counterpart. "Do you want that?" He pointed to the stuffed doll hanging on a line. The prize was a stuffed blue doll with a black eyepatch and Victoria style top hat attached to the head, the clothes also resembling the victorian era style.

"I would like to win it, but my throwing isn't that good. I kinda hurt someone last time I tried." Dominic blushed in embarrassment because he wanted the doll. He just felt that it reminded him of something.

"Oi Pines, Southeast." The Gleeful called them, who tensed at the all of their name.

"What Dipstick?" Pacifica replied.

Tyrone rolled his eyes, "I'm playing for Dominic over here. So tell me what I have to do to win that." Glancing at the prize with non-interest.

Dominic went over to Tyrone, "You don't have to get it for me dude."

"It's fine, you want it anyways, so I'll get it for you."

Something in Dominic's chest fluttered tingly in his stomach, it wasn't bad, but a pleasant feeling.

"You gotta pay Gleeful, for Dip over there he's free, but your different." Gideon says a little smug in his toner are  moment, but he coward back when Tyrone looked at him with a malicious expression.

"Fine Pines." He gave the money to Pacifica and Gideon gave him three baseballs. Tyrone saw Bud Pines waving at him with a smirk. The brunet narrowed his eyes on the target and hit the target once with his first ball. Bud let out a surprised yelp when he was dropped in the freezing water. Tyrone hit the target two more times after Bud got back up on the platform.

"Wow." Dominic says impressed by his counterpart. Blushing a little when Tyrone looked at him with a smile. The cousins gave Tyrone the doll, that he gave to Dominic who thanked him gratefully. "Thanks Tyrone, that was nice of you."

Tyrone realizing what Dominic said to him he thought, 'Since when did I become nice? More so, just who am I trying to impress?!' He looked at his counterpart looking at the doll happily.

The two moved away after saying good byes to Gideon and Pacifica. The two cousins got lectured by their uncle for nor rigging the game better. Tyrone and Dominic rode on more of the fun rides and ate snacks that the carnival had to offer them. When it got dark, the both of them headed towards the Ferris Wheel. When their turn came they got on the carrier and sat opposite to each other.

Tyrone stared at his opposites thinking over about today. 'Dominic is really different from me... I guess it is possible in a alternate universe that I can be good.' He saw his counter part smile widen when he saw fireworks going off as they got to the top. A beating in his chest started with a weird feeling overwhelming him.

"Hey Tyrone, thanks for letting me to go to the carnival and for letting me see Reverse Gideon and Reverse Pacifica again." Dominic thanked the other brunet. "I thought you'd be way worst at first to be honest, but first impressions aren't always the best. Seems your good in your own way." A light blush tinting his cheeks from embarrassment.

'Cute.' Is the the thought that popped into Tyrone's head as he unconsciously leaned forward close to Dominic's face.

Dominic eyes closed a bit as he saw Tyrone lean towards him. Like there was something he wanted to do.

"Dudes it's almost time to get off!" The man running the Ferris wheel shouted at them early so they can be prepared to get out of the carrier.

Both of them quickly pulled themselves away from each other. Dominic blushing profoundly as he avoided looking at the other's eyes. Tyrone had a faint tint of red on his cheeks and gripped his seat tightly. They got off the carrier when they got to the platform and walked slowly to the food court.



No one spoke until they got there. There were many people crowding the food stands bumping and shoving each other to get their food first.

Tyrone rolled his eyes at the scene before him and turned to face Dominic. "Let go to one of the other stands. I'm just sick from watching these idiots." He made a disgusted side look at the costumer waiting for their food then looking back at his counterpart.

Dominic nodded, but before they could move away from the crowd, he saw someone about to shove Tyrone forward towards him to get in line better. "Ty-" he tried to warn, but it was too late.

The Psychic fell forward while pushing down Dominic and landing on top of him. Their lips were pressed against each other which made them blush deeply.


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