Chapter Four: You Keep Me On The Edge Of My Seat

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Warning: Drug Use. [Hope no one gets offended by that .-.]

This is basically the chapter were everything starts getting fucked up.

Title Credit- Bite My Tongue by You Me At Six

Song: The Ocean by Tonight Alive


"Fucking finally!" Matt shouted once we pulled up to the venue. After eight long hours spent in a plane and an hour long drive to the venue, we're finally here. They don't play their first show until after tomorrow so tonight- we're all definitely going to get pissed drunk.  

I stared at the double Decker bus in awe. For this tour, Asking and Bring Me are going to be sharing one giant bus. The tour manager, Alex, the guitar tech, Dean and the drum tech, John were all staying in the bus with us. There were at least seventeen bunks inside the bus which was enough for everyone to have their own bunk plus two extra spare bunks that are going to be used as junk bunks. At least, that's what Oli told me.  

Once we all got our shit out of the taxi, we all walked towards the giant tour bus, some of us more eager than others but nevertheless, everyone was excited about this tour.  

"So, we just pick out which bunk we want?" I asked once we were all inside the bus.  

"Yeah, the bunks are upstairs." Lee replied, pointing to the small staircase that led up to the second floor of the bus. I nodded before walking up the stairs. I picked out my bunk which was the second one on the right next to Alex's bunk and above Vegan's. I know most of the guys from Asking are bound to bring girls back to their bunks so I did my best to stay away from their bunks.  

I placed my suitcase inside the junk bunk before grabbing a white tank top and black shorts. I looked around the bunk area and made sure no one was in sight before quickly changing into the shorts. 

Since it's barely one in the afternoon, I decided to take a short nap before we go out to the bar tonight.

Just as I was pulling the tank top over my head, I heard someone clear their throat. My eyes widened and I quickly pulled the tank top down. I looked over at Ben who was staring at me with a smirk on his face.  

"You know, it probably isn't the best idea to change in the middle of the hallway with thirteen other guys on this bus." He stated before walking back downstairs.  

My face turned red with embarrassment. I shoved my pants and shirt into my suitcase before hurrying over to my bunk. I crawled under the covers and began growing tired. The jet lag was definitely kicking in but dammit, I'm too embarrassed to fall asleep. I can't believe Ben saw me changing. What a great way to make things awkward, right? Fuck, this is going to be a long tour.  


"Oi, Lily, hurry up will you? I got to take a piss." Matt shouted from the other side of the door.  

I chuckled quietly before looking at my reflection in the mirror. Danny had confirmed earlier that we were all going to a bar. I decided on just wearing black shorts, a loose 'Nirvana' tank top and my all black converse. I straightened out my hair and did a simple make up look. By the end of the night, my make up will most likely be fucked up so what's the point of caking my face in make up. Okay, so this might sound really vain and cocky but I honestly don't need make up.  

I'm not saying that to sound consisted or anything but there's really no point for me wearing make up. My skin is clear and even so I don't really need foundation and my lashes are thick enough for it to look like I'm already wearing eyeliner. Wow, I sound like a conceited bitch.  

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