Chapter Six: Stop Acting Like A Child And Grow Up

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Song: O.C.D By Suicide Silence


The rest of the week went by pretty quick. I worked at the merch table for most of the day. A lot of the fans would ask me to take pictures and sign things with them which I thought was kind of weird but I didn't think to much of it. Some of them wanted pictures because I was model and others wanted pictures because I was Oli's girlfriend. Honestly though.... I don't know where Oli and my relationship stands. That wanker hasn't talked to me since I told him that I'm leaving for California. Yet, he seems to be getting extremely close to Miranda and it's pissing me off.  

Not because he's getting close with Miranda but because he's acting like such an immature twat. The rest of the guys are really happy for me because they all know how much this opportunity means to me but Oli refuses to even look at me anymore. Whatever, he can act like a twat all he wants but I'm still taking this job- no matter what he fucking says or does, I'm not letting him stop me from doing what I love.  

It's infuriating though. I've always been supportive of Oli and his career. Even when I wanted to tell him to stop touring and come home.. I didn't because I knew that would be selfish of me. I've been supportive, caring and understanding through out Oli's entire fucking career and it isn't fair that that fucking wanker gets in a prissy mood just because I'm going to California for a week. It's not like I'm dropping out of the tour. I'm definitely coming back. Plus, it's only three bloody days. I don't see what the big deal is.  

Sighing, I continued filling my duffel bag with everything I needed for three days before walking downstairs. Today I was leaving for California. We're currently in Connecticut but the guys agreed to pick me up at the airport in Ohio because that's going to be were they are in three days. Maybe this trip will be good for Oli and I. Maybe some time apart will help him cool down a bit. Hopefully, by the time I get back- he'll stop acting like an over dramatic twelve year old girl.  

"Ready?" Lee asked as he stood up from the couch. Sighing, I nodded in response. All the guys stood up and pulled me into tight hugs. Ben, in particular, held on to me the longest until i had to gently push him away. I have to admit, I thought Ben was kind of cocky when I first met him but over the past week- I've come to find out that he's actually a really nice guy.  

"Be careful, okay?" Ben smiled once he pulled away from our long hug. Forcing a smile, I nodded in response before looking over Ben's shoulder. I hate to admit it but it broke my heart when I saw Oli's arm wrapped around Miranda's shoulder. He'd rather be spending time with her than say good fucking bye to his own bloody girlfriend? That's fucking it. I'm sick of his damn attitude.  

I dropped my bag and walked over to Oliver. He looked up at me and groaned. "Wha-" He began but I cut him off by letting my hand hit Oli's cheek- leaving a noticeable red mark. The room went dead silent, Oli looked up at me with both hurt and anger in his hazel eyes. "What the fuck was that for?" He shouted, rubbing his red cheek.  

I rolled my eyes at his stupid question. He's knows exactly why I fucking slapped him. I placed my hands on my hips and glared at him, "Stop acting like a damn cunt, Oliver! Jesus fucking Christ, you should be fucking happy for me not be angry at me! Stop acting like a fucking child and grow the fuck up, Oliver!" I shouted before turning around. I grabbed my bag from the floor and stormed off the bus. Fucking idiot. He has no fucking idea how much it hurts me to see him spending more time with some fucking merch girl rather than me.  

I shoved my duffel bag inside the taxi's trunk and sat in the backseat, patiently waiting for Ben to come out. He had offered me yesterday to come with me to the airport and seeing how Oli wasn't talking to me anytime soon- I agreed to his kind offer. Seems like Ben has been more supportive than Oli has been in this past week. Fucking wanker.  

I heard the taxi door open but I didn't bother looking to see who it was because I knew that it was Ben.  

The drive to the airport was spent in a unbearable silence. Even the taxi driver looked extremely uncomfortable. I didn't care, though. I'm not in the fucking mood to talk to anyone.  

Once we arrived at the airport, I found out my flight was leaving in ten minutes and the plane was already starting to board. I turned to Ben and gave him a sad smile. "I'm sorry for causing a scene at the bus." I apologized, the heat quickly rising up to my cheeks. Ben lifted my chin up with his finger, forcing me to look into his brown eyes.  

Before I was able to grasp what was happening, Ben cupped my face and pressed his lips against mine. It all happened so fast that I hadn't realized what he had done until I was sitting in the seat on the plane. My cheeks were still burning red and my lips still held the feeling of Ben's lips pressed against mine. The sensation was definitely different from when Oli kisses me.  

Wait.... Ben fucking kissed me.  

Fuck, what the hell am I supposed to tell Oliver?  

Wait, should I even tell him anything?  

What am I saying! Of course I fucking should. Even if we're fighting- he's my boyfriend and I love him no matter what. Right, as soon as I get back on the tour- I'm telling him.


I should be asleep right now because i have school tomorrow -.-


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