Chapter 1: Encounters

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AN: I do not ovn any of the fairy tail characters I only own my OCs enjoy reading :D

Ruby quickly shot up out of the bed. Her hair fell out of its' bun and landed in huddles on the bed covering her sweating body. Shakily she got up and walked over to the bathroom. Turning on the shower, she stepped in and washed her hair. As she held her head under the water she thought back to the nightmare.

"Why do I keep seeing that girl?" she said to herself

Turning off the shower, Ruby wrang her hair out then grabbed her towel off the counter as she stepped out. Wrapping the the towel around her body she padded softly over to her closet. She pulled out her white crop jacket and a black summer dress then laid them on her bed. She walked to the back of the closet and grabbed her four inch survival boots and some black fishnet stockings along with her underwear then walked back into the bathroom to get changed.

~Time Skip Twenty Minutes Later~

After changing Ruby walked over to the mirror and applied her black smokey eyeshadow. Once she finished her look with a brush of mascara and a chocolate gloss to her lips she went downstairs and got her books for school. After packing her backpack she walked out into the living room then set her bag down on the couch.

Tying her hair up in a ponytail, she walked into the kitchen. Looking up at the clock she muttered a curse realizing she'd be late. Ruby grabbed a poptart ten grabbed her bag running to her car quickly. Hopping in her black ferrari she quickly pulled out into the street and headed to school probably breaking many speed limits.

~Time Skip Twenty-Five Minutes Later~

Ruby ran to her locker knowing she has only five minutes to get to homeroom. She started running up the steps. Once she reached the top she turned to cut around the corner to go down the hallway. As soon as she turned something hard and muscular bumped into her, Ruby felt the ground move from under her and shut her eyes knowing she was going to fall until strong arms steadied her. Coming back from her disoriented state she looked up to see who she bumped into, and to give them an earful of curses, only to freeze in place. She felt him stiffen too at her staring.

~Ruby's P.O.V.~

Everything in my mind had gone blank as I felt that i was falling until those strong arms steadied me. Slowly my heart started to quicken as I looked up to give whoever bumped into me a piece of my mind, until I froze. My heart started to beat even more as those cold eyes held me captive. His eyes were beautiful they seemed to swirl blue, silver, and white as if a frozen storm raged in them. Then the smell of pine needles and sweet chocolate hit me and my desire for him rose. I leaned closer to him until I caught myself, the warning bell braking me from my spell. Stepping back quickly I muttered a quick "I need to go" Then ran for the classroom.

~The Boy's P.O.V.~

I was on my way to the principal's office when a mysterious girl ran into me. When I saw her falling, I instinctively wrapped my arms around her to steady her. I watched as the girl stiffened and I internally smirked as I realized she was staring at my eyes, but then I stiffened as I smelt her desire rise. I immediately turned into a statue as I saw her beautiful chocolate eyes flashed a ruby red, but only for a second.

Suddenly she stepped back quickly, muttered that she needed to go, then ran down the hallway he just left.

~Normal P.O.V~

As he continued his walk back to the principal's office he suddenly thought 'Looks like me and my brother are going to have some fun' then smirked

Ruby ran into the homeroom with her books just as the bell rang signaling the start of homeroom. Looking up, she noticed that the homeroom teacher, Ms. Strauss, was not present. Which was odd because she was never late. Shaking off the worry Ruby sat at her desk and laid her head down to take a nap.

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