Blank Painting

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Vesper and the twins had their pockets full of sweets and stuff from Zonko's as they sat down for the Halloween feast, as there plan what mischief there could do with what there had gotten.

The feast finished with entertainment provided by the Hogwarts ghost, as they popped out of the walls and tables to do a spot of formation gliding.

Everyone was in good spirits, as there left the hall and went back to there dorms. However the Gryffindor's all jammed the corridor towards the portrait of the Fat Lady.

Vesper heard Percy's voice as he came bustling through the crowd. Vesper stood on her tip toes to see what everyone had stopped for. She cursed being shorter then most people.

The Fat Lady had gone. Her portrait slashed and had chunks missing completely.

"Somebody, get Professor Dumbledore. Quick." Percy said, in a sudden sharp voice.

The next moment, Professor Dumbledore was sweeping towards the portrait; the Gryffindor's squeezed together, to let him through.

Dumbledore took one look at the ruined portrait and turn to see Professors McGonagall, and Snape hurrying towards him.

"We need to find her." Said Dumbledore

"There she is headmaster." Said Snape nodding toward the other end of the corridor, the painting was of Africa; but there hiding behind a large rock was the Fat Lady, shaking, crying and terrified. Everyone rushed over to the painting.

"My dear Lady, who did this to you?" asked Dumbledore.

"The one there all talk about. Sirius Black, he was here in the castle." The fat lady cried from her hiding place.

"Everyone to the great hall immediately!" orders Dumbledore the large crowd of Gryffindor's turns and headed for the great hall, all afraid that the murderer was here in the castle. Vesper could hear her heart beating loudly in her ears, she knew of all the rumours about Blacks intentions and after a talk with her godfather dismissed them as rumours, but a small voice that was getting louder in the back of her head wondered if they were true.She went to find Fred, George, and Harry who she had lost sight of in the mass of students.


That night all the houses slept in the great hall, as the teachers search the castle. Vesper slept between her brother and George- who had their fingers in twine together, something they had picked up as small children' when they were scared of nightmares-but she couldn't sleep. She heard Snape and Dumbledore talking, as there approached she heard,

"Should we tell the Potters?" asked Snape

"Not yet, they need to sleep."

"Headmaster, you know I expressed my feelings about Blacks friend, he would have let him in the castle, you know Lu..." Vesper frowned knowing what he was about to say and was thankful Dumbledore interrupted.

"I know you expressed them, but I do not believe that a single person inside this castle would have help Black enter it." They left the hall.

Just then Harry turned over and Vesper saw that he was awake as well. She knew he'd have questions that she didn't know how to answer; not now any way, she shut her eyes, held on to Georges hand and heard a howl in the distance, before she fell into darkness.


Sir Cadogan became the new Gryffindor guard, being the only portrait brave enough to take the job. There was wild speculation throughout the school as to how Black broke in, did he slide under the door? Or up the pipes?

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