First time with the Dementors

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Disclaimer: I unfortunately do not own Harry Potter.


Vesper Potter gasped in surprise as four strong, very familiar arms wrapped around her and lifted her off the ground. She laughs and wiggled between the two bodies of her best friends as they hugged her closer.

"OK boys you can put me down now." She laughed as they put her down. Vesper looked up now to the faces of her best friends, who where more like brothers to her. Their orange coloured hair was one thing the three of them had in common along with their mischief making. The twins had grown tall over the summer, now at least a head taller than her, baby fat had turned into muscle or had gone completely, the mischievous glint in their identical eyes twinkled brightly. The trio had only seen each other a few weeks ago before the twins had gone with their family to Egypt visiting one of their many brothers in the burning heat. The trio was to start there fifth year at Hogwarts this year and the three felt they were closer then ever knowing that there only had three full years to cause as much mayhem as possible. Although they had spent many years, even before they had started school, learning how to make each other laugh and cause as much mayhem as possible before they had to "grow up" which to the three of them sounded dreadfully boring.

"Well you certainly grown" muttered Fred Weasley pointing looking at her chest, a playful smirk on his face, mirrored by his twin George who added an eyebrow wiggle. Vesper too it seemed had a growth spurt while parted from the boys. Although she had grown maybe a an inch or two in height, the fact that her hips and breasts, which were before slowly growing and showed only a slight hint of what womanly figure she would have in her school uniform had indeed suffered the same boost of hormones the rest of her had. Her breast were now a good handful bigger and curved to a slim waist before filling out to hips and a backside that required a second look. Puberty had punched hard, clearly the years before it had bided it's time only hinting at the final blow.

"Oh shut up." She smiled lightly punching both twins' shoulders. She looked around the small dimly lite pub, know as the Leaky Cauldron. Vesper smiled and waved at Mr and Mrs Weasley, who were clearly playfully bickering around the one table in the room that wasn't pushed into shadows. The pair smiled and waved back happily, Mrs Weasley making it clear that Vesper and her godfather must stop by the Weasley home for dinner, tea and possibly supper. The Weasley home was Vespers one true home, she had basically grown up in that house with the Weasley's from the age of eight. As she grew older she spent more time there by choice then by necessary.

Her godfather was not a well man and Vesper became aware from a young age that every month he would need to go away for a few days, she had figured out why the summer before she started Hogwarts.

She had spent weeks pouring over her newer books, soaking up the information like a sponge in water, only sleeping when she couldn't physically stay awake much longer or as she suspected, when her godfather knocked her out with a flick of his wand. She remembers being too scared to confront him until the morning of September 1st before she was due at the Weasley to travel to London together. She had hugged him firmly around his waist after look at him with big blue eyes he had often said belonged to her father, before speaking half muffled into his stomach, knowing he would only reprimand her for muttering.

" I've worked out why you get sick."

"And whys that?" His tone was that of an amused parent. She didn't want to say it out loud for fear he would hate her and make her stay away forever and the fear that she was wrong.

" have a furry little problem," she had felt his body stiffen against her, the hand that was stroking the wild orange tangles of hair stopped. " but I love you anyway..." He pulled back and knelt to her level to cup her jaw and look her in the eye. He looked just as scared as she did, and her godfather wasn't aloud to be scared, he scared away the monsters under the bed and in her nightmares and the spiders. She squirm unsure about how to handle everything that suddenly felt so heavy. " ....just, you know, don't be peeing on the furniture or, or chewing our slippers." She had shrugged like it was no big deal, her eyes flitting around the room but always going back to his face. She caught the twitch of his lips flicking upwards and an emotion in his eyes her was not familiar with before he bowed his head cheeks moving forming the smile she knew was on his face, before he leaned up and kissed her forehead, wrapping his arms around her in a hug that was similar to the one she had given him.

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