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A raging roar woke Vesper Potter with a jolt, she was disoriented and everything sounded like it was underwater. She heard what sounded like Snape outside, shouting that Black could not have Disapparated because it is impossible inside the castle; someone must have freed him. Slamming the infirmary doors open, he proclaims that Potter must somehow be involved.
Dumbledore, arriving shortly after Snape and Fudge, states that Harry has been locked in the infirmary, and Madam Pomfrey verifies that no one has left. Snape, snarled a colourful curse then leaves. Fudge suggested quietly that Snape may be unbalanced, but Dumbledore muttered that he has simply suffered a great disappointment. When Dumbledore suggests removing the Dementors from Hogwarts, Fudge complies—if they tried to administer the Kiss to an innocent boy, then they are certainly unsafe.

Vesper felt a pull in her stomach, "boy?"
What boy?
Her mind ran to Harry.
Ron had been injured and Harry ?
Harry always seems to find danger.
That means they didn't succeed, Harry was ok.

Her head hurt.
She wanted to fall back into the numbing darkness but consciousness clung loosely around her, just keeping her awake.

Dumbledore and Fudge left and Madam Pomfrey relocked the door, returning to her office.

Ron wakes up, shortly after and he asks what happened; Harry asks Hermione to explain. Vesper opened her eyes and waited while the objects in to room swam in to focus. She groaned as she rolled her head to the side.

"Vesper?!" yelled three concerned voices she scrunched up her face as the sounds assaulted her head. Did they have to be so loud?

"I'll get Madam Pomfrey." Hissed Hermione as her foot steps echoed in the silenced room. Vesper struggled to sit up as Harry sat by her bed.

"How you feeling sis?" he asked tenderly, remembering the slither of blood down the side of her face when he had checked on her before running after Black to the lake. He had blamed her pale colour on the moon light as she looked a healthier shade now.

"Like I was hit by the Hogwarts express at full speed." She joked quietly "you?"

"Good, you know." He said slowly, not wanting to reveal everything right now.

"We thought you were a gonna. You just didn't wake up!" Ron said quickly from the other side of the room, his leg bandaged up.

"Jeez Thanks," she replied sarcastically rolling her eyes but that hurt "what happened, Harry?" she had to know.

"Well Lupin, -the werewolf- pushed you down we all heard the crack and thought he'd killed you." He said quietly, taking hold of her hand. He was sure he'd have nightmares about that. "Sirius dragged him off to the forbidden forest so we could escape, but I went after Sirius and we ended up with dementor's coming down on us, Sirius was about to die, and then there just went away, and I woke up here." He said in a rush, Vesper had to concentrate to hear what he said, he wasn't telling her everything they both knew that but for now it was enough.

"Oh. So to some it all up. Everyone's ok."

"Yeah, Sirius and Buckbeak escaped and Lupin is somewhere in the forest. But Wormtail got away." he whispered.


The castle is nearly deserted when Vesper, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are released from the Hospital Wing the next day. It is another Hogsmeade weekend, but Ron and Hermione decide to stay at Hogwarts with Harry.

Vesper had managed to convince the Weasley twins to go to the village with out her as her head still hurt. She also wanted to check on her godfather, knowing that he would feel awful if he knew what happened last night.

Vesper Potter's Family Reunion Where stories live. Discover now