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  Vivian shifted in her seat and then looked up at Natasha for the third time since sitting down at the conference table. Sure enough, the damned woman was still glaring at Vivian expectantly. Vivian held her hands out to her sides, palms up, and stared back. Everyone was ready to finalize the plans for the trip, but apparently Natasha had an issue and she wanted Vivian to resolve it. Immediately.

Vivian let out an exasperated sigh. "Hold up, people," she said, and pushed away from the table.

She looked down at Natasha and nodded toward the conference room door. Natasha stood and marched over to the door in a huff. She was riled up about something and the fact that Vivian had not immediately jumped to tend to whatever it was pissed her off even more.

When they were both in the hall, Natasha swung to face Vivian, causing her to take a step back in surprise. There were actually tears in the girl's eyes? That was unexpected! When she recovered, she stepped toward the tall brunette and touched her shoulder.

"Tasha! What's wrong?"

"Mine is broken!" Natasha growled through clenched teeth.

Vivian stared at her. Broken?

"Your what is broken?" she asked.

Natasha turned her back again. She stood that way for a split-second before whirling around to face her with tears streaming down her face.

"M-my thingy!" she sobbed. "My crystal thingy doesn't work. I can't see anything with it. I can't hear any of you. I think... I think maybe it doesn't work for me because I'm not smart enough or something!"

Vivian gaped at her. Natasha's reaction to the situation was totally not one she would have expected from her.

"Tasha... if it isn't working there's probably just a technical problem. I'm sure it has nothing to do with your intelligence. What would make you say such a thing? Did you tell Lillian?"

"No! I'm too embarrassed! I didn't want to tell anyone! Except... you."

"I don't get it. Why on earth would you think you might not be 'smart' enough?"

"Because! You know those stupid pictures you have to stare at cross-eyed, sideways, standing on your head before you can see what they are? Optical illusion paintings?" Vivian nodded, wondering what the hell the woman was getting at. "Well... I could never see them. My dad used to have books of them and we would look at them together, but... he would try and try to get me to see what was in the pictures and I never could."

"B-but that..."

Natasha cut her off. "He would pat my head and say, 'Boy! God sure doesn't match beauty with brains very often, does he, Punkin? Good thing you've got your pretty face, girl! Cuz the Good Lord knows you aren't the brightest crayon in the box!' I would stare at those stupid pictures for hours! Hours! And I never saw it! I never saw what it was that everyone else could see. I was too stupid!"

She broke down and sank to the floor with her back against the wall. Tears streamed down her face, taking smoky streaks of mascara with them.

Vivian darted back into the conference room, grabbed a box of tissue, told everyone to go ahead and she'd catch up, then went back out and sat on the floor next to Natasha. She handed her the box of tissues and then leaned back against the wall, too. She wasn't sure how to proceed.

"When you're finished, we'll go get Lillian and explain that you are having difficulties with your crystal. I'm sure she'll know what to do."

Natasha took the tissue and wiped her face. She blew her nose, gulping once or twice, apparently doing her best to stop the flow of tears.

A time To Die - Dont Be A Hero Book 2Where stories live. Discover now