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(A/N: Sorry my uploads have slowed. I've been somewhat blocked. I know what I want to happen in the story, but have been having difficulty figuring out how to make it happen. Anyways, please stick with me. These chapters will probably get rewritten a few times, so if you read it right away, you may want to re-download it later to see if I've changed anything, because chances are, I will.)

Natasha's eyes snapped open and she lay staring at the darkness. She could hear Vivian's steady breathing on the other side of the huge, king-sized bed. She sat up and swung her legs over the side, unsure of where she needed to go or why. She stood and placed her bare feet into a pair of sneakers that were next to the bed. Then she went over and grabbed a sweater that hung from a hook by the door. She quietly opened the bedroom door and stepped into the dark hallway, closing the door behind her. She knew that the restroom she used at night was attached to the master bedroom she and Vivian shared, so she wondered where it was she thought she was going.

She continued down the hall, treading lightly and swiftly. The entire house was quiet. It was only somewhere around 1 AM. She made her way downstairs, all the while wondering why she had got up in the first place. Her sleepy brain considered the idea that she may very well still be asleep and dreaming. When she went into the small office and over to the birdcage, she thought that she was definitely dreaming as she had no reason to be opening the cage and reaching her hand inside.

The tiny girl stood up and was staring at her bleary eyed. She yawned and gave Natasha a quizzical look.

"Has one of you finally come to your senses?" she asked before letting out another yawn.

"Let's go," was all Natasha had to say and the girl hopped lightly into her palm.

Natasha withdrew her hand, cupping it so that the child wouldn't fall off. She drew her hand up against her breast protectively and then turned and left the office.

"Where are you taking me, bird woman?" the girl squeaked up at her.


"How dare you shush me, minion!"

Natasha placed a thumb over the girl's mouth and headed toward the front door. Yes. This was a dream. It must be.

Once outside, her hand grew heavy and she quickly lowered it to the ground so that her now growing charge could hop off. 

"Let's go," she said and then headed toward the road. Orion rested around in back of the house at night, so their quiet departure went unnoticed.

Natasha grew increasingly alarmed as she felt the night air on her face and the dirt crunching under her feet. The child, now her normal size, followed quickly behind her.

"Are you rescuing me? Are you a traitor to your people? Where are we going?" The questions gave no room for answers as they came tumbling from the little girl's mouth as she trotted behind, trying to keep up with Natasha's long strides.

"We are going home," was the only reply she received.

They continued down the road away from the farm house and Natasha began to wonder what the hell she was doing and why. She was absolutely not a traitor! She did not want to rescue the girl. She knew that what she was doing was not like her and she began to become frightened, yet her feet kept moving.

Once they were far enough away from the house that they could no longer look back and see it, Natasha stopped and ordered the girl to grow large enough to carry her and travel more quickly. She wondered why she didn't just morph into a flock of geese and fly to wherever they were going, but she didn't feel that she was able to at that moment.

A time To Die - Dont Be A Hero Book 2Where stories live. Discover now