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I woke up to my phone ringing wait I Don't have a phone my dad never gave me one I jumped out of bed to see Kellin standing there he walked over and handed me a phone,

"I saw that the Asshole Never gave you a phone so here ya go your first phone" he smiled Wow my first phone

"Now get ready your going to school in 2 hours" He added I sighed I didn't want to go

"Do I have to go?" I asked

"Yes you do but don't worry I'll be there for your first day" He smiled he then left so I could get ready I put on a Black Asking Alexandria tank black skinny jeans and my black converse I did my makeup I put my thick black hair in a side braid kinda like Elsa from frozen I grabbed my phone and went down

"Ready?" Kellin asked I nodded we walked out the front door and left,

as we were driving down the road Kellin turned on the radio If You Cant Hang by Sleeping With Sirens and I started jamming to the song

"You really like this song don't ya?" Kellin smiled I nodded

"Hell yeah" I smiled then Kellin looked at me with great big smile we soon pulled into the schools parking lot,

we walked up to the office and there was a lady possibly in late to mid 60's sitting there she looked up and saw us

"May I help you?" She seemed snippy towards us

" I called yesterday about enrolling my sister" Kellin told the snippy bitch I noticed everyone was looking at me strange

"Name?" she got snippy again

"Kate Quinn" He replied wait Quinn? I heard her typing on the computer but I was to worried bout the other Kids looking at me as they were walking by as they came in I was then snapped out of it when Kellin grabbed my hand

"You ok?" he asked I Nodded

"yeah I'm fine " I smiled,

we started down the hall Kellin showed me where my locker was thank god is was close to the front doors something about this place didn't seem right some of the other kids and the teachers had Red eyes as well what the hell is going on here?

we got to my first class we walked in I sat down in the front Kellin sat next to me I was in a very small room I couldn't stand being in small rooms like this Just then my teacher came in he looked at me and got this smirk on his face his eyes were red as well I looked over at Kellin he was looking at the teacher all pissed with his red eyes

"morning everyone my name is Mr Vladimir Paterson" he said still looking at me

"today we have a test" he pulled out papers and handed them out when he handed me mine I heard a noise wait was he smelling me?

Kellin got out of his seat the teacher backed off and walked back to his desk I looked down at the paper and my mind went blank then my anxiety started I started panicking Kellin Put his hand on my shoulder

"Kate whats wrong?" He asked I looked over at him

"I cant do this" I got up and ran out of the room Kellin followed me I Sat down in the hallway trying to breathe Kellin sat down next to me he started rubbing my back

"Kate?" He seemed worried

"Sorry I had to get out of there" I started crying just then the teacher came out

"Miss Quinn get back in there this instant" He spat at me

"Mr Paterson she had a Anxiety attack she just needed some air" I heard another voice I Looked up to see a boy with black hair an Blue eyes standing there

"Get back to class Mason" Mr Paterson yelled at him but this boy didn't listen he came over to me and got down on his knees in front of me

"Just breathe in and breathe out" He sat down next to me Just then I felt a hand grab my arm pulling me up

"MISS QUINN GET BACK IN CLASS!" Mr Paterson yelled at me while hurting my arm I started bleeding due to his nails digging into me I Yelped in pain

"Get your hands off my sister!" Kellin Jumped up his eyes were Red I looked over at the teacher his were too but he had a smirk Mason Jumped up as well and wait now his eyes are Red now They were just blue not long ago?

"Let me go!" I yanked my arm and got out of Mr Paterson's grip I ran out the front door and started running through the near by woods.

Kellin's POV

Kate ran out the door I Looked over at Vlad and he was laughing

"She'll be mine soon" He continued laughing I had it I pinned him against the wall

"You lay a finger on her and I'll Fucking kill you" My blood was boiling

"Don't worry Kellin I'll make sure he doesn't get to Kate before its her time to turn" Mason Padded my back I backed away from Vladimir I decided to go look for Kate I knew exactly where she was I can smell her blood I quickly found her she was sitting on the ground shaking and crying her face was buried in her knees I walked over to her she looked up at me with tear soaked face and her red puffy eyes

"H-how did y-you find m-me s f-fast?" she asked between sobs I picked her up

"I'll explain later" I didn't really want to tell her this soon

as I was carrying her to the car she fell asleep with her head in my chest I Smiled hearing her tiny little snores I set her in the car and buckled her in I looked up at the school and saw Vlad standing there with his shity little grin I got in the car and headed home.

My Brother Kellin QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now