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I woke up in a panic I couldnt breathe Just the Kellin came running in

"Kate are you okay" He sat down on my bed I nodded
"Yeah I Just remembered more that's all" I sighed
"What did you remember this time" He asked
"Mom and dad being Killed right in front of us" I started crying Kellin brought me into a hug

soon after I calmed down we went to IHOP to get some breakfast as we were driving down the road I kept seeing Mom and Dad getting killed in my head I couldn't get it out of my head just that quick we were at IHOP we walked in and sat down Kellin sat down and rubbed my back he knew what I was thinking about we then ordered and ate

I got a text from a unknown number I looked at it

You'll soon be dead

My eyes widened

we soon got home and I went out to the backyard and started playing a random song on my guitar

Kellin's POV

I noticed Kate's been acting weird since we had breakfast I was about to go talk to her see what's wrong I saw Kate's phone I looked at it
You'll soon be dead
My Blood boiled with rage who the fuck sent this? as soon as I turned around to go talk to Kate I saw someone Grab her I went to run out I felt a needle in my neck I turned around to see who it was

"Hello Kellin" He smirked I tried to fight him but my whole body was numb
"Kellin!" I heard Kate scream I looked over to see two guys one hold her down while the other put a a needle in her neck she past out right away I looked back and Vlad he started laughing he then looked at me that's when I blacked out

"Kellin" I heard someone say I slowly woke up but then I jumped up realizing what happened I felt someone's hand on my shoulder my fangs immediately popped out I turned around to see the guys standing there I then popped my fangs back in
"Dude what happened?" Justin asked
"And where's Kate" Gabe added
"Vlad took her" I started to cry damnit I promised to protect her I need to get her back no matter what

Kate's POV

I woke up in a dark room I was chained to a metal pole I tried to brake free but I couldn't

"It's no use Kate" I heard someone say I've heard that Voice before where have I heard it before they then came towards the light it was Vlad

"What do you want with me Vlad" I starred to get pissed off why did he kidnap me?

"I just want to have a little fun and have Kellin suffer for a bit" He chuckled wait have Kellin suffer what does he mean by that

"What do you want with Kellin" I kept getting even more pissed he walked up to me with a knife in hand

"It's not Kellin I want it's you and if let's say something happened" He brought the knife up to my neck

"He'll lose his mind" He laughed and walked away

"Fucking Bastard" I mumbled under my breath he quickly turned around and the knife was against my throat again

"Don't try me little girl" He smiled and just like that he was gone I started crying then I remembered something Vlad was one of the men that killed my parents just then he came back with the knife

"Well I'm bored" He chuckled he then ran the blade across my chest I started bleeding I cried in pain he starred laughing

"I'm going to have fun with you" He stuck another needle in my neck
"Night night Kate" And just like that I blacked out

I woke up in a different room this time I was chained to a table I looked over to see a bunch of weapons on a table Vlad came in with red eyes he seemed more pissed the usual
"You fucking brother is Herr trying to save you" He spat at me he then got a evil smirk on his face
"But you'll be gone by the time he gets to you" He added he put tape around my mouth so I couldn't scream he grabbed another blade off the table
"This should do the trick he started running the blade over my whole body I cried in pain he starred laughing he then grabbed a bigger knife my eyes widen he held it over my chest where my heart was
"Goodbye miss Quinn" He chuckled I held my eyes shut I felt a pain in my chest but not where my heart was I shot my eyes open I sat up as much as I could I screamed out in pain Vlad backed up laughing he knew I was suffering my breathing because heavily my eyes got heavy I fell back onto the table and starred coughing up blood I heard the door bust open I looked over to see Kellin an the guys and they all started fight Vlad tried to fight back but he soon lost the fight when Kellin slit his throat just then Kellin saw me and ran over he untied me and got the tape from over my mouth
"Shit no no no Kate" He shook me as my eyes started to drop
"Kate you need to stay awake okay you need to stay awake" I blacked out.

My Brother Kellin QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now