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Kate's POV

Its been a month and now I'm finally done with school, I haven't seen Mason much I wonder what's going on?

I've gotten better with the whole hunger for blood thing with Kellin and the boys help

I was on my my daily walk through the woods when I felt a familiar presence, I turned around and saw Mr Paterson... well Vladimir

"What do you want Vlad?" I didn't want to deal with him right now

"I just wanna see how your doing now that your a vampire" He had this shity smirk on his face

"Your my teacher, we'll were my teacher, so why couldn't you ask me then?" I began to walk away but he flashed in front of me, he grabbed me by the throat and threw against a tree

"What the hell!?" I yelled, he grabbed me again and pinned me against the same tree

"I'm going to make you and your precious brother suffer" He laughed, he popped out his fangs, my eyes widened I tried getting out of his grip but he was stronger then me and I can throw a tree!

He bit my neck and I screamed in agony, I couldn't move my whole body was numb

He let go of me and I fell to the ground, I looked up at him and he had blood dripping from his mouth

"How can you be a pure blood when you can't even defend yourself" He looked down on me, then he vanished

My eyes felt heavy things around me were spinning, Black dots started to appear

"Kate?" I heard a voice, I felt someone pick me up then I blacked out.

Kellin's POV

Kate should've been home by now, where could she be? I then smelled her blood

"Fuck" I mumbled to myself, I opened the door and saw Mason standing there with Kate in his arms, he walked in and laid her down on the couch

"What happened?" I asked

"I don't know what exactly happened but I saw Vlad in the woods but he had blood dripping from his mouth and I then found Kate laying there" He explained, I checked Kate's neck and she had bite marks

"Son of a bitch" I yelled then the guys came downstairs

"What's going on?" Nick asked

"I'm killing that fucker" I said as I walked out of the door, I got in the car and left, I soon made it to Vladimir's house and busted down his door

"Kellin what are you-" I cut him off by punching him

"You bit my sister you Asshole!" I spat, he started laughing and we'll soon enough we had an all out fight.

Kate's POV

I woke up in a daze with everyone sitting around me

"What's going on"? I asked, I noticed Kellin wasn't there

"Watch Where's Kellin?!" I panicked

"He left to go talk to Vladimir" I looked over and saw Mason

"Oh fuck" I got up and ran out the door, I ran and ran I didn't care of I wasn't fully recovered I need to stop Kellin he could get himself killed for fuck's sake

I finally got to Vladimir'shouse and saw the door broken down

"Damnit Kellin" I growled, I then felt a uneasy feeling and no it wasn't because of my injuries

"No" My eyes widened, I ran I side the house and saw Vlad standing over a bloody Kellin, Vlad looked at me and smirked with even more blood dripping from his mouth

"Your too late sweetie" Vlad laughed, I looked at Kellin He wasn't moving at all

"You'll pay for this" I growled, I flew into Vlad beating the Shit outa him, he then kicked me off of him and held a gun to my head

"Now you will join him" was all that I heard.

Okay so I'm going to be ending this book soon I just can't come up with anything and I'm sorry ♡♡♡

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