it's over.

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Kellin's POV

"Now you'll join him" I opened my eyes and saw Vladimir standing over Kate

"No" I mumbled as I tried to move but I was in to much pain, this is it huh, me and my sister being taken out by a nobody Vampire

"No this isn't over" I looked and saw Kate's eyes a deep red and her voice wasn't..... her, she quickly jumped up and threw Vladimir across the room over and over and over again till his own blood spewed out of his mouth

"You killed my Brother and now you'll have to pay!" She yelled, I tried to talk but I couldn't I was to weak to do anything, she thought I was dead for fuck's sake, she gave him one punch to the chest, he looked at her then looked at me then fell to the ground, she stood over him and got out a knife stabbing him multiple times in the chest, she stood up and turned around facing me, her glowing Red eyes met mine

"K- Kellin?" She dropped to the floor and soon the guys came rushing in

"Holy shit" Justin sighed, he and Mason went to Kate's side and Gabe, Nick and Jack came to mine, They helped me up and I went over to Kate

"She's out cold" Justin looked at me

"We should get her home" I quickly added, Her injury's were pretty bad and she needed to rest but.... not here

Gabe Picked Kate up and carried her while Justin and Jack helped me

Kate's POV

I woke up in my room "Your awake" I looked over to see Jack standing there, I looked down

"Is Kellin okay?" I asked

"Yeah, He's resting"  He walked in

"Are you alright?" he asked sitting down

"Yeah I... I think so"

"Hey What's wrong?" He asked rubbing my back

"I.. I don't know to be honest" I looked at him "I just have this weird feeling that I can't explain" I added

He gave a small Hum and got up "Want to go see him?" He held out his hand, I nodded and took his hand

we walked down the hall to Kellin's room  and I knocked on the door "It's Open" I opened the door and saw Kellin Sitting in bed

"Hey" I quietly said, his eyes lit up

"Oh Hey, You feeling better?" He asked as I sat down on the edge of the bed

"Yeah a little" I gave a weak smile, He frowned

"What's wrong?" He asked

"It's just that" I looked down

"Just what?" he asked

I remembered him laying on the ground, not moving, covered in blood "I thought I had lost you" I got tears in my eyes, I was brought into a hug

"I'm not going anywhere" He whispered, I continued crying "It's alright" He rubbed my back, we both laid down in the bed, he started humming

"Like when we were little" I sniffled, when were little Everytime I got upset he'd always hug me and start humming and it always Calmed me down, soon I started getting tired

"It's alright you can rest" and with that I fell asleep


"Get off of me!" I heard Yelling, I jolted awake and saw Him standing over Kellin, my eyes widened

"Such a big bad Vampire" He laughed, Kellin was bleeding, all the guys were knocked out, soon He looked at me, My heart started racing

He walked over to me and grabbed me by the throat "No Let her go!" Kellin's eyes went red, he tried getting up but he was still to weak

My Brother Kellin QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now