Wait What?

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Kellin's POV

Kate said she was going to bed about 10 minutes ago I thought I'd go check on her I opened her door I saw her window open and Kate nowhere to be seen

"Fuck" I mumbled I quickly ran back down and I saw the knife was missing

"Guys Kate's gone I think she went to go kill Bob" I panicked they all jumped off the couch

"how do you know?" Gabe asked

"She's not in her room her windows opened and the knifes gone" I yelled we all decided the leave,

as we were driving all could think about was is she dead did that Asshole kill her? soon enough we got to his house I smelled her blood it was strong Fuck she's been hurt badly we busted the door open I saw Bob laying there...Dead I looked over to see Kate sitting there with a blank face she was bleeding

"Kate?!" I ran over she didn't seem to acknowledge I was there I even tried shaking her she looked at me

"Kate can you hear me?" I asked in a panic she then fell into my arms I then felt her wounds quickly healing up that's at least one good thing about being a vampire unless there fatal wounds quickly heal I laid her down on the couch and decided to take care of the body and the mess around the house,

after about a hour we got rid of the body and cleaned the house up Kate was still out I checked her wounds and they were healed I decided that we should leave before if anyone heard anything I Picked up Kate and took her home

we got home and I took Kate up to her room just then there was a knock at the door I opened it and it was Mason

"I Smelled her blood from a mile away its she hurt is she ok?" Mason asked so I told him what happened

"Shit" he sighed

"She actually Killed him?" He asked I nodded

"Yeah" I sighed and sat down on the couch just then Kate came walking downstairs still drowsy I walked over and helped her to the couch she was still a little drowsy she saw Mason

"H-hey Mason" she smiled trying to talk Mason looked at her worried she sat down on the couch but soon fell over she passed out again

"Kate?" I shook her she opened her eyes she was fully awake she jumped

"Wait what's going on?" She didn't seem to remember what happened

"You don't remember do you?" I asked she soon her head so I told her eyes widened

"I-I did that?" She asked I shook my head

"Holy shit" she started crying Mason hugged her I know she'll remember soon,

After a few hours Mason left and Kate fell asleep I carried her up to her room and then fell asleep myself

Kate's POV

I woke up in the morning I still couldn't believe what Kellin said I did I went downstairs and got a Monster and turned the TV on and started watching Black Butler soon Kellin came down

"Want breakfast?" He asked while walking into the kitchen

"Sure" I replied

"You ok?" He walked over to me

"Yeah yeah I'm fine" I smiled Kellin then started making breakfast,

After we ate and Kellin did the dishes we decided to go out for a bit we went to the mall and we went to Hot Topic and Journeys and after about 4 hours of shopping we went back home I then went for a walk

I got to the park and saw Mason there he walked over to me

"How you doing?" He asked wait did Kellin tell him I killed a man?

"Ahh good" I smiled not knowing what he was talking about

"Good C'mon" Mason grabbed my hand and we walked over to a Ice Cream parlor and got a cone we sat there in silence till Mason spoke

"Kellin told me what happened" he looked at me my eyes widen

"H-he D-did?" I stuttered he nodded

"Please you can't tell anyone" I begged him he smiled and shook his head

"I promise I won't besides Bob was a complete and total ass anyways no one will miss him" he laughed and I will admit I laughed myself

after we ate our Ice Cream Mason walked me home Kellin and The guys were watching TV I went up to my room and I shoved my headphones in a took a nap

I was woken up by someone shaking me slightly I opened my eyes to see Kellin standing there

"Hey dinners ready Kate" he smiled I yawned and got out of bed we both walked downstairs and I saw Homemade Pizza I grabbed a Monster from the fridge and some chips I grabbed a slice of pizza and sat down on the couch me and the guys started watching Netflix

I was getting late and I was getting tired I started yawning

"You tired?" Kellin asked I nodded he chuckled and shook his head I got up off the couch and went upstairs and put my headphones in and soon fell asleep

I woke up in the middle of the night hungry I decided to go get a piece of cold pizza I walked out of my room and realized I forgot my flashlight Fuck

I carefully made my way the the stairs and finally made my way into the kitchen when I hit my foot on the corner of the kitchen table the light turned on I turned around to see Kellin with his Red eyes that went back to blue when he saw it was me

"Why are you sneaking around here?" He chuckled I then Realized I wasn't hungry anymore huh that's weird that's never happened to me usually if I get hungry

"I was hungry but I'm not anymore" I started walking back upstairs Kellin chuckled but I didn't pay attention I wemt back to my room and went back to sleep.

My Brother Kellin QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now