You have to make a decision

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Kellin's POV

Justin put Kate on her bed she was out cold

"Fuck" I mumbled under my breath

"You have to make a decision Kellin" Jack shouted

"I Know" I screamed I had to make the decision to either Turn her or let her live as a human but there was serious Con
maybe even death No I couldn't let that happen

"I'll do it" I mumbled I looked at the guys and they nodded I moved the hair from around Kate's neck I let out a small sigh and bit down and started sucking I heard her gasp which made tears fill my eyes I soon pulled away as I saw the bite marks onher neck what have I done It.... It shouldn't have been this early

She soon opened her eyes they were Red...

"How you feel?" Gabe asked she sat up

"Hungry" She sighed she then brought her knees to her chest

"C'mon" I held out my hand and she took it we went downstairs I got a glass of water and put in a blood tablet

"What's this"?" Kate asked looking at the glass

"It's blood... well fake blood" Justin said I had to walk out of the room.

Kate's POV

"Why did Kellin?" I started to ask

"He just needs to process all of this" Nick said

"It's my fault isn't it?" I asked as I held the glass in my hand

"No It's not It's just-" Justin started to talk I then got up and ran off I could run faster now I ran through the back door and ran through the woods with tears rolling down my cheeks I Knew it was my fault.

Kellin's POV

I heard the back door slam I quickly ran into the kitchen and saw the guys just standing there but no sign of Kate

"What happened?" I asked

"She had asked if it was her fault I was about to tell her that It wasn't and how you just had to process of what happened but she just ran off" Justin explained I sighed and ran my hand threw my hair

"C'mon we need to find her" I said running out the back door

We were running through the woods when I heard crying I started towards it

"It's so my fault" they cried then I smelled blood then realized it was Kate

I was standing under a tree when the cries were louder it was like I was right there next to her but she's was nowhere I leaned up against the tree and looked up my eyes widen when I saw Kate bleeding like crazy I I hurried up the tree

"Kate?" I moved towards her She looked at me blood running down her arm and her mouth she bit herself

"Stay away from me" She cried I frowned

"This is all my fault" She added

"No it's not" I moved closer to her she then looked at me with red puffy eyes

"It's not your fault Kate I walked ot of the room to process everything You actually weren't supposed to turn for another year so it caught me by surprise" I added she then looked at the ground I held out my hand

"C'mon we should get back home" I chuckled she then took my hand and we both jumped out of the tree and headed back

We got back home and Kate said she was heading to bed as did I since it was after 3:00 am we all said our goodnights and went to bed.

Kate's POV

I couldn't sleep all I could think and also taste was blood I went downstairs and got a glass of water and a blood tablet and went back up to my room I dropped the tablet in the water and it quickly turned red I took a drink of it

It wasn't actual blood but it'll do.

Hey guys sorry It's been awhile on this book I just haven't been able been able to come up with anything and I'm sorry I really am <3

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