Chapter 3 Lloyd

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"Every gear is important. If one piece is missing or out of place, the invention won't work," Zane's creator explained. He hit a button and his falcon stood on his wrist. "Come my little one, now you shall fly," he added as the bird flew off into the sky. "It is like you ninja, all of you play important roles and each is a key part to a fighting force," Sensei instructed. "If we're all parts, what if I'm the gear that doesn't work? What if I don't do my job?" I asked. "What if there are no more what ifs? The final battle is almost upon us.  When that time comes we will know the answer to those what ifs," Sensei said. "I know you don't want to face your father," Nia added. "What if he doesn't have to? I thought it was inedible but then I found this," Misako said as she shows me a closed scroll. "You mean Lloyd might not face his father?" Cole asked. "The scrolls say the dark helmet removed from the celestial clock will produce an unspeakable weapon," Misako explained. "Did you just say an unspeakable weapon?" Kai asked. "Go on Misako, don't let us interrupt you," Cole said. "Nothing says what will happen if we return the helmet," Misako said. "Interesting return the helmet, the clock stops," Sensei repeated. "And the final battle never starts," I finished. "That sounds great and all, and I know we have our new powers, but you expect us to get past a whole army of stone warriors and pluck the helmet off his head?" Kai asked. "My brother's right. Their good, but are they that good?" Nia added. "That is when I must go. I just need  maybe a little help," Misako replied. "In order to get past the guards we need to first get control," Misako explained. I walked to get closer to what my mom was saying. Sensei Wu held me back. "I'm sorry Lloyd," he said. "But I'm all powered up , I can handle myself," I argued. "We must not let you and your father come face to face yet, we are trying to prevent the final battle, not welcome it," he replied. "Yes Sensei," I said and returned to camp.

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