L x Depressed! reader. Part 3

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It was starting to get late and L refused to remove the handcuffs off of you. You had a little lie you have been working on for like half an hour, so L could fall for it. You turned to L and lifted your hand to show him the handcuff  " L, I refuse to have these on me for the rest of the night. " L didn't face you and said " Is that so? Care to explain the reason why I should remove them? " You frowned at him " well how do you expect me to sleep? On this chair? nuh uh and if you are going to sleep, then I refuse to sleep with you ". He looked at you with big eyes " hmm well I think you are lying cause I for sure know you are an insomniac Y/N-san..." He spoke the truth... You were indeed an insomniac and L knew it... Then you snapped at him " Just because i'm an insomniac, doesn't mean that I don't sleep you dumbass! No one can survive without atleast a little sleep if you didn't know that already L-kun! " It stayed silent for a moment, but then you saw the handcuff on your hand fall to the floor and you looked up to see L staring at you and saying  " fine, but I will be watching on surveillance cameras so it wouldn't make any difference... " He rolled his chair back to his spot and started going through files... again... You were free... "Finally... " you mumbled to yourself and went to the bathroom to brush your teeth. While brushing your teeth you kept staring at a razor blade, which was obviously not yours but you didn't give a shit. You got done brushing your teeth and still kept staring at the razor. " well it wouldn't hurt to shed some blood once in a while, but that means long sleeved shirts for me... You picked it up starting to regret this decision, but the regret feeling faded away when you started cutting lines on your wrists. It stinged but you would rather feel pain than nothing at all, so you continued. You were lying in the bathtub, watching blood from your cutting lines run down your hands and in the tub. You passed out for a few minutes, but suddenly woke up to a soothing, worried voice behind the locked bathroom door " Y/N-san are you ok in there? You haven't come out in quite a while... " You didn't even think of an answer and just spat out whatever popped in your head " Oh sorry, I just passed out... I'm really tired, so that's probably why it happened... " You started cleaning the blood of your hands and the tub fast before L would start to worry even more. When you were finally done you quickly unlocked the door and almost slammed the door into L's face. " Whoah careful there Y/N-san, you could have ruined my fabulous nose " he said, trying to make you laugh atleast a little bit... It worked though. You giggled. You felt a spark of happiness for a second, but it was gone as fast as it came. It was very unusual for someone emotionless like you... You flashed a quick fake smile to him as you wandered off to your room and stuffed your face in the pillow screaming, but the screaming was muffled by the pillow. You opened your eyes to stare at the headboard " what is wrong with me?... " You asked yourself.

NOTE: yesss another short chapter... i'm giving up on trying to make those perfectly long chapters so deal with it 8D  <---- yes, yes that's an emoji of a cool guy with sunglasses :D

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