The beginning.

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Karma's P.O.V

Nagisa had been acting strange lately. Ever since he came to E-class he wasn't the cheerful boy he used to know. He was obviously hiding something so after two months together in E-class Karma finally took action.

He followed his friend home to the apartment where he lived. After Nagisa entered he waited for a while before walking to the door.

He was about to knock when we head yelling coming from the apartment.


"I'm sorry mom. p-pleas stop, you're hurting me" he heard Nagisa cry.

Karma kicked in the door and stormed in to find a woman pulling Nagisa's hair violently.

Karma punched her in the head knocking her out. He then walked up to Nagisa who was crying on the floor serounded by glass shards.

He pulled him into a hug and let him cry out on his shoulder.

"I'm calling the police" he said when Nagisa had calmed down. Nagisa only nobs.

°•○●°•○●°•○●time skip●○•°●○•°●○•°

Tetsuya's P.O.V

It was after school and he was training with the oter guy's when his phone started ringing.

He just ignored it but then his phone started ringing again.

He looked at his phone to find an unknown number.

He picked up.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hello, am I speaking to Kuroko Tetsuya?" A man asked.

"Yes that's me" he answered.

"Good, I'm from the police. I'm calling to inform you that your mother has been arrested for child abuse and you will have to take care of your younger brother seeing your father is on a trip" the man said.

"Ok" Tetsuya replied.

"I will be dropping him off at your apartment this evening" the man said and hung up the phone.

"What was that about" Kagami asked.

"My mom got arested and my younger sibling is moving in with me" he said with his usual emotionless expression leaving his teammates speechless and confused.

AN and here is the first chapter!!! I hope it isn't to short. Anyways I hope you enjoyed BAYYYY 😘

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