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Kagami's P.O.V

When he woke up he found Kuroko sleeping next to him. He stood up and quickly put on his clothes to make breakfast.

When he was finished he went to Kuroko's room to wake him up.

"Time to wake up, breakfast is ready." He said quietly.

"Coming" Kuroko mumbled into his pillow.

Next he went to Nagisa's room. When he opened the door he found the little bluenette cuddled up to his Boyfriend Karma.

"Hey, wake up. Breakfast's ready" he said.

Soon they both woke up and realised that they were caght. Karma quickly opened the window and jumped out.

"See ya tomorrow at school Nagisa" he called from three floors below before running away leaving Nagisa with his face beet red.

"What all the fuss about?" Tetsu asked rubbing his eyes.

"Nothing" Nagisa answered and jumped out of bed. "Let's eat".

The three of them sat at the table eating and Kagami couldn't help but smile at Tetsuya's bed head.

Karma's P.O.V

After he ran away from Nagisa's apartment he went straight home.

"I'm home" he called as he walked in not expecting an answer.

"You've been gone all night little brother" said a calm voice behind him.

Karma turned around to find his older half brother Akashi Seijuro.

"Hey midget" Karma said. "What are you doing here?"

"So I can't visit my favourite littler other?" He asked mockingly.

"I'm taller than you" Karma replied.

"So tell me little brother, where were you last night? Do you have a girlfriend?" Akashi asked.

"It's none of your business" karma said and walked to his room.

Karma's relationship with his brother was complecated. They did love each other but being the sadistic people that they were they didn't show it.

Akashi was the child of his mother's previous marige. He was the son of a very rich man with a giant company.

Karma's dad was rich as well but didn't even come close to Akashi's dad.

Considering there parents were travelling a lot they used to spend a lot of time together. It had gotten less as they got older and were able to take care of themselves but they still hang out sometimes.

He was glad his brother was back but he could never find out about him and Nagisa for he knew Akashi would never aprove of him dating a guy.

AN my friend airexsse522 just wrote her first story so please check it out. It's Karmagisa and I find it really interesting so far. Anyways I hope you enjoyed BAYYYY 😘

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