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"Please, please, please, Soaf, please come. Please, Soaf, please. You know mom won't allow me to go to the party alone. Please, Soaf, for me, please. Just once." Lavy pleaded, dropping to her knees, begging me to accompany her to some stupid party just because she had to meet her boyfriend.

Ughh! This girl!

And here I am, least interested in attending some random, lousy party.

"No, and that's final. My answer won't change, alright? So NO, a big NO," I said, exasperated.

To be honest, I was really annoyed! I have a chemistry test tomorrow, and I haven't studied a single word. I can't go. And who throws a party on a school day anyway?!

Not to mention, I've never been to these dumb parties where people go crazy, just drinking, dancing, playing truth or dare, and beer pong all night.

"I'm so sorry, Soaf. But you forced me to do this," Lavy said before heading out.

"Wait!" I yelled at the closed door.

I returned to these stupid chemical equations, trying to understand them for the last time.

Nope, it didn't work.

"Ughhh, I'm so fed up with this chapter," I groaned. I was really frustrated when Mom entered the room, sat next to me, and gave me a warm hug, saying, "Oh, my little doll. It's totally fine if you want a break from all this studying. You should definitely go to the party."

"What?No, Mom. I don't even wan-", Mom cut me off and said  "Don't feel shy, you can always tell me these things, right? After all, I am your mother, Sophie."

"But I..." I was again cut off by Mom.

"No, you should definitely go. Lavy told me that you want to go to the party, and you're so stressed out. I think you should go," Mom said, patting my back before getting up.

"Oh, and I bought you a dress yesterday. I think you can wear it," she added, then finally left the room, closing the door behind her.

And yes, trouble is brewing again. I don't get it. Why am I always the one getting caught up in these situations? Lavy came and told me to be ready by seven, and we'll leave then. I never go to these parties, you know. But I do know what happens there. Well, since I don't have friends, Lavy, my younger sister, is the one who told me about them. Yeah, she's been to a few parties herself.

So here I am, wearing this black dress with square neck and a belt that reaches almost to my abdomen. The neck is a little too deep for me, it shows my cleavage a little. It's a simple yet beautiful dress, and I look decent enough, so I let the cleavage thing slide. I put on a pair of black high heels, brushed my hair, and rolled a strand of it, tucking it to the side with a hairpin. I'm ready. Well, at least I think so.

I went downstairs, where Lavy was already waiting for me. She was wearing blue ripped jeans, a red crop top, and a leather jacket, along with some really high heels. She had put on makeup and was looking absolutely beautiful. I never used make up so didn't even know how to apply it.

"Wow, Soaf, you look beautiful," both Lavy and mom said at the same time.

"Umm, wait, you're missing something," Lavy said.

"What?" I asked as she opened her purse and took out eyeliner.

"This," she said, pointing towards the eyeliner.

"No way, Lavy, not this. I tried it once and ended up looking like a clown"

"Hahaha, come on, Soaf. That's only because you put it on yourself", Lavy and Mom laughed. 

"Let the experts handle this, big sis." Lavy replied and then pushed me to sit on the chair before started applying eyeliner on my eyelid. 

"Perfect," Mom said. "Don't be late, girls, and Soaf, take care of her and make sure she doesn't drink there", mom's eyebrows shot up in a menacing glare.

"Uhhh, mom, I won't, I promise," Lavy replied, making an annoying face.

"Bye, mom. Love you" we said as we left the house.

How can people even breathe here? I thought as I entered the crowded, or rather, extremely crowded house. No, wait, it's more like a fish market. It feels like more than half of the town is crammed in here. And it's so suffocating, how can anyone even breathe?

The party was pretty much as I expected. Loud music, people dancing like crazy, and a bunch of others sitting near the pool playing truth or dare. As soon as we entered, Lavy called her boyfriend and went off with him, leaving me all alone. All by myself with no friends or anything. Since I had no one, I decided to go and sit near the bar because I didn't want to appear like a loner or something, which, truth be told, I actually am. I had no one.

I sat there, observing, well, more like staring at everyone, when I noticed a familiar figure approaching me. The view wasn't clear enough for me to recognize the person.

But I could see his muscular body, tall stature, and his dark brown hair, looking like a mess yet adorable on him.

Wait. No, no, no, no, no...this can't be happening. God, please tell me he's not back. Please, it can't be him. NO, no way. It can't be him.

"So when did you start partying, huh?" he said in a deep voice. It didn't take me long to recognize his voice. But I couldn't believe it. He's finally back, after three fucking years. He had the guts to come back after literally leaving the town and ghosting me?

As he stood next to me with a can of beer in his hand and a smirk on his lips, I couldn't help but notice his jeans and maroon V-neck T-shirt which showed off his now muscular body. What is he doing here, and when did he come back?

Ladies and gentlemen, this person standing next to me was my ex-best friend, Dany, or should I say, Daniel Anderson.

Hey guys

How was it. Finally a new character. I so want desperately wanted a new character in the story. Anyhow i hope you enjoyed it. This party is going to be fun. Yayyyyy!!!

I hope you guys don't mind i am going crazy right now because i am actually very very very very sad. I failed  in this exam for which i prepared for two years and i was so sad that i wanted to write a chapter. Now isn't that wierd. But who cares here i am writing for you cuz i love you guys a lot  and thank you so much for 277 view yayyyy and 41 votes.

you can skip this starts----Looks like i am high but mind you i'm not. sorry that you have to tolerate this...... you can skip this over.

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