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"What did I do now?" I asked a bit nervously. Wait. Did I just say nervous? No, nothing in this world can make Raymond Reynolds nervous.

Or maybe this extremely beautiful girl standing right in front of me can.

Okay. I've already told you the fact that this girl makes me feel things, right? Well, I know that sounds really book-ish and creepy but I can't deny it. This girl makes me feel things. I've never been possessive about someone but every time I see her with that idiot Daniel. I want to rip him apart into pieces. I've never cared about any other girl (besides my mom) like I care for her. I've never wanted to cherish someone but with Soaf it's different.

Hatred. Love. Jealousy.Faith.

These were only some words for me which people use in daily life. But she made me feel them. I don't know how but that's the case.

I feel free when I am with her. She gives me Hope. She gives me the courage to follow my dreams. No matter what they want you to do. She never directly told me what she meant and I was a complete Idiot not listening to her. She taught me to follow my heart. That's what I'm doing now. Not caring about its consequences.

I had a fight with my dad a week ago. I told him that I don't want his company and that I want to be a footballer. This is what my heart told me is right. So I did it. Well, I've never been like this to my Dad but for how long am I going to live like this. Under this pressure and acting like I don't care. This made me rude and cruel or you can say heartless.

Too much of thinking. Back to present now.

"Raymond Reynolds. You have no fucking right to come and go in my life anytime you want. Okay. I know you're good at playing this bloody game but-" She started poking her index finger at me on my chest every time she says a word. "I. Am.Not.Any of your. Dolls." she said and her gaze lifted up.

"I don't want to be another little chapter of your book Raymond," she said. My heart ached by the thought what she thinks of me. She thinks I'm using her.

Her brown eyes were making me realize what I did to her. I hurt her. Very much. Very very much.

That's not it. Besides hurt, I saw something which shocked me. I saw love in her eyes. Love. Finally. Someone in this whole universe decided to Love Raymond Reynolds.

But she masked her emotions fast. But I caught her. I see her struggling with emotions. She was confused.

But why?

What made her so confused?

It is me.

She just admitted that she thinks that I am using her as a doll. No ways.

I don't get it. This girl is innocently beautiful not only by her looks but also by her thoughts. Still, she's not confident enough. I noticed it. I don't know why Daniel hasn't noticed this yet. But that's what I've figured out. She can't stand up for herself not because she's weak, she's definitely not weak but because she's not confident enough about who she is.

I'll make her like herself. Just as much as I like her. Or maybe less, I don't want anyone to like her more than me.

Does that sound creepy?

Even if it does. I don't care because that's what I feel like.

She was standing close to me. Her hands on my chest. Her eyes never leaving mine. So I took a chance and wrapped my hands around her waist. I leaned closer to her ear, totally engulfed by her scent. I took a deep breath and whispered

"I'm sorry. But you aren't a little chapter. This chapter has infinite pages."

She stiffened at this. I could feel her palms sweating which were placed on my chest and her breath hitched. She took a deep breath and struggled into my arms. I tightened my grip. But she didn't give up. She was struggling with more force this time so I released her slowly while her head was down, her gaze on the floor.

I saw her face full of confused expressions and her eyes were glued to a spot as if she was thinking too deep. Her brows narrowed and nose crinkled. She opened her mouth as if she's going to say something and then closed it.

Okay. Now I'm worried. She's acting weird.

She again repeated the same movements but this time someone interrupted her thoughts.

"Kim! See what I g- What are you doing with him?" Daniel said glaring at me as if he'd kill me any moment. I shrugged and decided to avoid him.

"I-I" Soaf choked and pushed me aside making some space between us.

"I told you not to talk to him," he said, exasperated.

This time he made me furious. Why on Earth should Sophie listen to him?

"I was just standing here an-and he came in-" She tried to convince him that it wasn't her fault but why is he listening to her.

"Princess, just tell him you want to talk to me and he can leave us alone." words came out of my mouth on their own making Soaf's eyes widen while she gasped in horror and looked towards Daniel with guilt.

Soaf tried to say something to him but he held her hand and dragged her out of the balcony. I didn't realize that my legs and hands were already doing their work and blocked their way.

I gripped her other hand and gave her a slight jerk while saying

"I want to talk to you right now, you can go later," I said to her calmly while my eyes were furiously glaring at Daniel's as If I'll kill him right now if I get any chance.

"She is certainly not interested in talking to you. AT ALL" Daniel spoke for her while Soaf was angry by now.

"You Have no Ri-"

"STOP IT YOU TWO" Soaf yelled at both for interrupting my sentence.

Then she gave me a hard look  before turning to that asshole and said-

"Let's go Dany", she went out of the balcony taking Daniel with her.

She chose him over me.

No girl ever does that.

 Well, she's not just any girl.

But no girl has ever rejected me!

I was hurt. I felt something shattering in my heart and something in me was paining. Seeing Soaf tugging at that bastard's arm and giggling made me go out of my mind. I wanted to smash someone's face on the wall.

Anger grew up and I could feel my blood boiling.

I need a drink.


Hey guys.

Another update. As usual. first of all, thank you for reading this shit. I know this chapter was boring and stuff but right now this is the best I could come with.

So I'm sorry.

BTW i wrote the last two chapters when I was out for a trip with my family. isn't that crazy? Well besides that, C'mon guys you should be proud if me. lol

Yeah. i wanted to tell you that there are not much chapters left. believe me the plot is really good but at the end i can only hope that you'll like it. Right?

Spare the mistakes guys because I've not even read this chapter once. So, sorry :(

To all the ghost readers. Only 'one click' and've voted for my chapter. So please do it. It will only take a very very very little bit of energy to click to vote my chapter. So please please please VOTE

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