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Raymond Reynolds' POV

I think I saw her there, last night at the party, or maybe that was an illusion? Admittedly, it might come across as unsettling, but I couldn't help the magnetic pull she had on my consciousness. After all, don't we all find ourselves inexplicably drawn to someone at times?

And right now, it was Sophie who consumed my every thought. It had only been a brief month since our paths had crossed, and yet she had managed to captivate me entirely. There was an air of vulnerability that surrounded her, and I often found himself wondering if it was a trait exclusive to out connection or if she exhibited it with everyone she encountered.

A mere month ago, I hadn't even known Sophie's name. Though I had seen her before once or twice, I remember it was the moment when my friends were merciless bullying a student. Sophie had valiantly stepped in to defend the victim, only to become a target herself, that etched her into my memory.

In that moment, I was plagued by a profound sense of shame and helplessness. I wanted to come to her aid, to stand against my friends, but I was frozen, a silent witness to the cruelty unfolding before my eyes. Usually, I don't let my friends bully anyone, at least not in front of me. But that day, Sophie had me glued my spot. I wanted to be her knight in the shining armour but I didn't want her to be a damsel in distress. Because in that fleeting moment, I saw a girl of remarkable valor and strength, someone capable of dethroning the Queen Bee if she wants. And so amid the chaos, Sophie's courage shone like a beacon. She possessed an admirable confidence that day, one that made her stand out amidst the darkness. 

We have all grown up since then, and everything is different. I pretend that I don't give two shits about anyone or anything. That's what a Bad Boy is supposed to do, right? It was a title I didn't sought, but one that was thrusted upon me, and I hadn't fully grasped the consequences when I got it.

"Back to Earth Ray...back to Earth?", " snapped Chase, my best friend, who was attempting to draw me out of my reverie by snapping his fingers in front of my face.

"Huh?" I responded, furrowing my brows in confusion.

"You zoned out, man!" Chase exclaimed, a mischievous grin playing on his lips.

"Shut up you moron. I didn't" I said,  annoyance seeping into my voice.

"Hahaha... I can't believe it, Ray. You just zoned out. It's like you were fan-girling over a teenage girl," Chase remarked, unable to contain his amusement. I shot him a glare, and his laughter came to an abrupt halt.

"What's going on?" Chase asked, his tone shifting to a more serious one.

"Nothing," I replied, attempting to brush it off. But who was I kidding? Chase was my best buddy, and he had a knack for getting to the bottom of things.

"Seriously, Ray, spill it," Chase persisted, making comical faces in an effort to coax the truth out of me.

"Alright, it's about her," I confessed.

"Ellen?" Chase ventured a guess.

"No... Sophie" I corrected him.

"Ohh, the nerdy girl. What about her?" Chase chirped, clearly intrigued.

"I think I saw her at the party last night. But I know she's not  someone who goes to these kind of parties—" I started to explain, but Chase cut me off.

"Don't tell me you're zoning out just because you saw her at the party. That doesn't make sense."

"No, it's not just that—"

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