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It has been a week now, and surprisingly, school has returned to normal.

 On that day, I had a presentation with Raymond, and despite everything he put me through, I decided to help him out.  We only talked a few minutes before the presentation. I thought he would apologize for the kiss but he did not, which only validated some I always knew deep down, I knew the kiss didn't matter to him. 

If it doesn't mean anything to him then why should it mean anything to me? Every time I see Raymond with Ellen, I remind myself of that fact. I continuously persuade myself that I had feelings for the wrong person, and I repeat this mantra whenever they cross my path, hoping to eventually move on.

Dany has been a constant presence by my side which has been a huge help. On most days, he joins me during lunch, which definitely draws some glances my way but I will get used to it. On other days I read my book. Books has always been my companion since I was nine. 

 Dany has always been like that, he was extroverted, liked engaging with people and always stood out in the crowd. I remember,  since seventh grade he mostly had a bunch girls waiting for him outside the boy's locker room. I never understood the obsession though. 

Dany engages me in conversation to keep me from drifting away into my thoughts, he knows I tend to overthink. It works well, at least while we're at school. After school, he goes for his football practice, and I head home.

School has returned to its usual, with everyone gossiping about the latest hot couple—the infamous Mr. Popular meets Ms. Popular. Yes, Raymond and Ellen are together.

No, don't think for a second that it affects me. Why should it? They can do whatever they want. I couldn't care less about their existence.

Dany has become popular now, which I knew couldn't be long overdue. I overhear girls whispering about the "new hot guy" in school. Every time I'm with him, it's as if the girls are throwing daggers at me. I swear, these girls will be the death of me someday.

I was walking towards my locker, searching for Dany, when I saw Raymond and Ellen making their way through the corridor. The entire corridor seemed to be in awe of them, treating them like celebrities. 

I'm strong. I'm strong. I'm strong. I repeated these words to myself, hoping to remain calm and unaffected by what I witnessed. I kept chanting to myself as Raymond walked past me. In that fleeting moment, our eyes met, and time stood still. 

My breath caught, and I felt a surge of emotions. I couldn't help as the shiver went down my spine, mostly because he came too close as he passed by me, our skin brushing against each other. It was warm, but the sight I witnessed was painful enough to shatter a piece if my heart. I looked at Ellen, who wore a smirk on her lips as they reached her locker. She claimed Raymond with a kiss.

I didn't want to see any more of the PDA so I started walking aimlessly, not knowing where I was headed. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing, repeating the mantra, "I'm strong... it doesn't affect me..."

Lost in my thoughts, I accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I didn't see you. I was busy texting. It's completely my fault. I apologize...", it was a girl I had never seen before. Definitely not someone from school, I thought. I might be a wallflower but I am a good observer.

"I am so sorry. I should have been more careful-", this girl kept apologizing repeatedly. I tried to say "It's okay-" but she didn't listen and continued, "It was my fault... My mind has been preoccupied, and-"

"IT'S FINE!" I interrupted, raising my voice slightly, and finally, she stopped.

"Oops," she smiled awkwardly.

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