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"I'll catch up afterwards. I have to go somewhere" Claire said reading something again. I don't know what happened to her. Two minutes earlier she was fine with me and her going out to the diner since we had two consecutive free periods but suddenly there was some message on her phone and she has to go somewhere and she's not telling me anything.

"Okay. I'll go find Dany then. I still have to talk to him" I replied.

"Yeah. By the way Ray was asking for you. He said you weren't picking up his calls. "

"Ohh. I'll find him too then." I said smiling back at Claire who is now packing up her bag in a hurry.

"See you later then. Bye" her sound faded as she disappeared somewhere in the corridor.

"Bye" I mumbled lowly to myself and started to head towards the football ground. Probably both the boys will be there since they have some Championship in next two weeks so they have a hard time practicing. Majority of the time they are busy with their practice. Raymond and Daniel had been missing most of the classes nowadays. I'm still teaching Raymond so he can cover up with his course I have no Idea how Dany is doing it.

I had asked him once, "I can tutor you on weekends if you want". He didn't reply, instead with a stern face he walked past me.

I didn't talk to him for one whole weak but then Raymond has been asking me to talk to Dany for past two days so I think I have to apologize to him first and start talking. Raymond knew it was bothering me too much that Daniel wasn't talking to me. I often asked Claire about Daniel. She has been our common source of information for the past one week. She told me that Dany asked about me everyday last week. Even after this he won't talk to me when he sees me in the corridor or classroom. Even at Lunch time Dany is nowhere to be seen. Earlier me, Claire and Dany use to sit together.

Finally I reached at the ground. Sun was at the top and it was a hot day outside. I don't even know how they can practice outside at this temperature. Looks like I'll be evaporating in next two minutes. There were a couple of girls sitting by on the benches gawking at the shirtless guys playing football. Some of the bags were lying on the first few bleachers, most of the bags were half open showing of some towels or socks.

I saw Daniel and Raymond busy while practicing so I decided to wait for them. I placed myself on the benches, seeing them told me they won't be free until next half an hour so I took out a novel from my bag and started reading.

About ten minutes later I heard someone screaming. I lifted my face up to look forwards when something hit me hard on my face and my head started spinning. I realized I've been hit by a football but it's impact was too violent on my face that my nose hurt badly and I fell on the floor. I heard some people rushing towards me but then everything went black.


"Ohh don't worry honey she'll be alright. How is your eye now?" I heard some lady's voice. I couldn't recognize the voice although it felt similar.

"I'm fine now Mrs. Perkins." I heard a deep husky voice. It didn't take me a second to know it was Raymond's voice. I was still feeling dizzy and my mind wasn't allowing me to open my eyes. He was talking to Mrs. Perkins. Mrs. Perkins is our nurse, which would mean that I'm in sick room right now. When did I get here?

"You know that Principal is calling you Right?" the female voice asked.

"I know Mrs. Perkins but I'll attend to him later. I'll wait here till Soaf regains her consciousness" replied Raymond.

What the fuck is going on?? Principal is calling Ray. Why?

He should go.

Although my nose was paining and my head felt heavy and was throbbing in pain and my eyelids refused to open I forced them up and try to sit. I gave a look around. As soon as Ray saw me getting up he slipped his one hand on my neck and held it firmly helping me in sitting straight. As the ball hit my straight on my face It jerked my neck backwards which was now paining a lot.

"Hey. How are you feeling, Soaf?" Ray asked as I sat there I saw myself in the mirror which was across my bed, I realized my nose was broken or something because It was all bandaged.

"Yanh" was all I could reply. Instead of yeah due to my broken nose it was sounding like Yanh. Like someone has held my nose tightly and then asking me to speak.

Raymond chuckled a bit while his fingers were retracing my jaw line, tingling me everywhere he touched. I saw his one eyes was swelled a bit. It started blackening.

Did someone punch him on the eye?

"You better report to the principal young boy" Mrs. Perkins replied while smiling at Raymond and then glancing back at me.

Raymond gave a curt nod and before I could ask him anything further he went out of the sick room after saying

"Be right back. Don't go anywhere"

As soon as Raymond was out of sight I turned towards Mrs. Perkins.

"What happened to me?"

"You were all unconscious when some boy carried you here." she replied in a calm tone.

"Some boy. Wasn't he this one?"

"No honey. He was not this boy. He had brown hairs and grey hazel eyes."

"Dany" I mumbled to myself realizing that it was him who carried me here not Raymond.

" did Raymond end up with a swollen eye?" I asked.

"The one who just left?", I nodded in reply. I knew something bad was coming. Of course Ray had a fight with someone, he wouldn't end up with a swollen eye because of playing football, Right?

"They had a fight. That is why Principal has called both of them." she replied calmly.

"What?!!.......T-Theyy both fought with each other." Shit. This is going to make things more complicated. I don't think after this Raymond will want me to sort things out with Dany but I can't leave him like this. He is my best friend.

Ohh God. Why me?

"No......yes....uhh. Listen sweetie this is complicated. First they both were beating up some other guy who probably hit you by the ball. Poor boy ended with some bruisers. Then both of your boys ended up fighting with each other."

"OH MY GOD! Please Jesus save them. What if they end up with suspension" My eyes widen at the realization. This cannot happen. Our exams are near and already both of them are missing so many classes. Shit.

"Calm down sweetheart. Is it paining anymore?"

HOW THE FUCK CAN I CALM DOWN. Is this woman mad? She's asking me to calm down. Both the boys are probably getting their suspension letters by now and seeing at Raymond's behavior inside the premises he might already get suspend.

"Honey? Is it paining?" Mrs. Perkins asked me again bringing me out of my thoughts.

"N-No. Thanks Mrs. Perkins" I said getting up in a hurry.

"Wait. Take these if it starts paining. Okay? And it's better if you go home directly." She told me handing me some medicines. While I made my way out of sick room I found Claire running in my direction while some familiar figure was following her.

"I leave your side for one hour and you end up in sick room. Are you out of your mind?" Claire scolded my. She was panting hard which tells me she came running all the way to here. I saw Chase finally reaching us and surprisingly wasn't panting that much.


Didn't she say she has to go to Mr. Hanks to take some extra assignments?

What is she doing with Chase anyway?

Hey guys!

Another update. I hope you like the story till now. I would like to thank faded_and_lost for the amazing cover. Thank you so much!

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