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I pull the festive red dress over my head and over my belly. Lucky for me I'd been shopping, looking for nice maternity clothes. 

I was so shocked when I got an invitation off my mother to go to her house for an annual Christmas dinner. I was even more shocked when Maddy was invited too. In a way I'm happy that my mother invited us, I couldn't imagine me and Maddy cooking our own Christmas dinner, we'd probably just order a take out. I was still pretty nervous though. 

When we arrived most people were already there. As soon as I walked through the door all eyes were on me, or my bump. "Congratulations!" One of my mothers friends exclaimed.

"How far along are you?" Another asks.

"7 months," I tell them.

"Wow, your mother didn't mention it at all," they say.

"Did she not?" I ask, as my mother walks from the kitchen. She simply gives me and Maddy a hug and then ushers everyone into the living room. Maddy goes and gets me a drink as I sit down on the couch. Someone slides down beside me.

"Hey," my father says. I was still mad at him, for not saying anything the last time we met.

"Hi," I reply, looking at my feet.

"Flo are you being properly looked after?" He asks concerned.

"I'm fine. Maddy is looking after me," I tell him. He breathes out in relief.

"How are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm fine," I reply abruptly. 

He's just about to reply when my mother comes over.

"Here alone are you?" She asks sarcastically.

"Yes," I reply sadly.

"Does the father not want it?" She asks again. Just as I'm about to answer I get a funny feeling in my belly. I grabbed my mother’s hand and put it on my bump. 

She looks surprised but soon calms.

"That's the first time she's kicked," I tell them. "She must have heard your voice." My mother gets tears in her eyes and smiles down at me.

"It's a girl?" She asks happily.

"Yeah," I grin up at her. 

"She's going to be beautiful if she looks anything like her grandmother," my father gushes. I show them both the scan of her and they get all excited, and then don't stop boasting about her to all their friends over dinner. My mother even has a conversation with Maddy where they both end up laughing. I was so glad to have my parents back on board with me but even though they asked me to move back here, I knew that I didn't belong here. I belonged with Maddy, living in a snug room, eating take outs and wearing jeans and big t-shirts. I finally knew where I belonged. 

That's why when New Years came, when the fireworks were exploding in the sky, I just wished for happiness and health for my little girl. 

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