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"C'mon dress me now," he smirked at me and gesturing his whole naked body.

Seriously? I just looked at him from head to toe... TWICE! Then, finally I decided. Geez, he's my master after all, right? He even gave me a present for my first day... GOSH! He's so sweet.

I touched his chest with my finger and traced his abs down to his V. I looked into his eyes that was obviously full of lust. I smirk, then I grabbed his neck so that he would lean forward to me, my mouth to his ear, I whispered, "You want me to dress you Master?" I felt him getting excited and he smiled, then whispered back, "Yes, please."

Chest to chest, I held to his chin directing his face to me. We stared into each others eyes. I can see it. I can see his mouth wanting to be all over me. I teased him by acting like I wanna kiss him but putting just a little bit of distance between our lips and then I lift my knee to his dick...HARD!

"FUCK!" He screamed kneeling down holding his shit.

"Sorry, Master. But you're not a disabled person, so go on... stand up and dress yourself," I said to him and walked away. I was about to reach for the door handle when I turned to face him for the last time. "Call me if you have some REAL orders to give," I said furiously and I shut the door behind me.

When I got out, I leaned at the door and breathe in fresh air. I closed my eyes and all I can see is his dick! Damn it. I can't believe that he is my master. He is such a douche. Argh!

"Ohh, that doesn't look good," I looked up and saw Sean standing in front of me, hands in his pockets.

"Do you know a place where I can get out of this horrid shit thing?" I asked him and he laughed.

"Is it that bad?"

"Oh just please get me out of here," I said grabbing his hand.

He led me in the rose tunnel garden. This is actually my favorite spot in the whole castle. Ever since I was a kid, when I have a spare time, I go directly here. It just felt like when I'm walking down this tunnel, it's like lead me to another world or universe.

There are roses everywhere that are so beautiful and the smell of all these wonderful roses are just filling up the tunnel. I breathe in the fragrance while closing my eyes. Then suddenly, a hand holds mine.

"Relax Em," I look to Sean's eyes filled with concern. "I know it's difficult. It has always has been. What did he do to you? Did he make you drink? Or suck it? Or rather—"

"What the hell are talking about Sean?" I got confused on what he was asking me.

He stopped and analyzed the situation and he just stopped walking. "Oh shit," he said realizing something. He looked at me shocked.

"Don't tell me..." he looked at me like he can't believe something, like I was a ghost or something.

"Don't tell you what damn it?" I was tired of this shit. Can they just please get to the point?

"Oh no. This is bad! Em, what did he order you to do on your first day?" he asked.

"He-he... wait! Why the hell should I tell you about this? This doesn't concerns you," I said. I was hesitant on saying him my first experience with that douche Master.

"Em, c'mon. You have to tell me, if you want me to save you from trouble," he said putting his hands on my shoulder.

I was really hesitant on answering his question. I was fidgeting my maid uniform and lowering my head as if I can hide the embarrassment. Was what I done earlier that really bad? I mean that douche was being a dick and he deserved it. Now that fucking stupid dick of his stained my beautiful eyes.

"Uhm, I kinda kicked his dick and uhm—"

"YOU WHAT?!" he shouted in an unbelieving tone.

"Well, uhm... I just did that because he was an ass, a douche actually... he made me dress him like he was paralyzed and can't move his body. C'mon he has his hands! Why can't he do it himself plus he was freaking naked in front me. What did you expect me to do?" I was feeling guilty, furious and confused about everything.

"Gosh Emily, you are one hell of a trouble. If only you are not that special to me, I will not risk my job for you. Just go to your room and I will settle all things, okay?" he said placing his hand on his forehead. I just gave me friend a bad headache. Great!

"But what will you do?"

"You don't have to worry, okay? I got this. We'll talk later. We have a lot to talk about and it won't be easy listening to it. Just go to your room, okay?"

"Okay," I said lowering my head, fidgeting my fingers.

He hugged me and gave me a kiss on my head and said, "Okay."

Ever since we were kids, he has always been there for me especially when I am in trouble. That's why I am so thankful to have him in my life.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Sorry for the late update. I haven't been really active on writing because of school stuff. I hope you understand everyone. I'll try my best to write again. Hehe! Will be posting another chapter later this evening. (9PM PST)

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