Ch8 Explanation

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Your POV

"NO!" I screamed sitting up. 'Uh? I'm at Sonic's house' "(N)! You okay?" Sonic came into the room "Yeah I am don't worry." You said. Then you remembered.

"I couldn't save him." You whisper feeling the tears about to fall down but "(N)!!!" You looked shocked at Sonic who just yelled "Just explain this." Sonic said looking at you right into your eyes.

"O-Okay I... I can't control emotions. And when I'm sad, too sad I turn into this." You said looking down "I turn into a person full of anger." You said clenching fists

"I turn into a monster..." You said standing up and jumping from the window "(N)!!" You were falling 'I just want this hell to end.' You thought waiting for the impact but it didn't come. You opened your eyes and saw Shadow looking at you. "(N)!" Sonic came to you Two. "Here get your girl." Shadow said handing (N) in Sonic arms in bridal style. "I-I'm not his girl...." You said emotionless "Yeah whatever." Shadow said as he walked away.

In your room

There was an awkward silence until you spoke "Where is Nety?"
"In the next room sleeping."
"Where is he?"
" In Tails laboratory. He will find out how Cami died. I-I'm sorry."
"Stop apologizing. It's my falt. I left everything and everyone just to not hurt them, but I lost them. It's my falt so just shut up." You said quietly

"(N)!" Nety said "You're awake. I'm sorry for what happened. I hit you didn't I?" You asked "Well I got in your way. So I deserve it." "No you don't. You don't deserve pain. I do." You laid down with your hand on your face. "Whatever." You stand "I'll take you to Mira." You said "Who's Mira?" Sonic asked "Explanations later now let's go."

Next time~

"Well this is kinda complicated...."
"Let's go then."
"(N)?" -?

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