When you have gift from someone

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Ding Dong

"(N)! Open the door... Please..." Sonic said sleepily "OKAY!" you shout from downstairs.

"Uh?" no one was at the door. You looked down and saw a box. You brought it inside closed the door and sat on the sofa starring at the box.

"Hey who was it?" Sonic said coming next to you
"From who is that box?" he asked
"Don't know. But let's see." You said as you opened the box there were expensive chocolates.
"Shit." you said wide eyed "What?"
"I love chocolate."
"Hey there is a letter." Sonic grabbed it and read it out loud
"Dear (N), I heard you're back in Mobious, so for welcome back, I bought you candies I know you love chocolate so... :) With love R~"
"Who is that 'R' , (N)?" Sonic asked

You shouted as you started eating them.

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