When you adopt her Part 1

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"Scarlett, wake up." you said gently
"Hm?" she stood up and went to the bathroom.

Few mins later
At the adoption centre ~

"Hello." you said
"Hello." a black wolf said
"Um we would like to adopt this girl. We found her the other day and she just captured our hearts. Please." you said looking at the wolf.
"Okay. Um can I take the girl and ask her a few questions?"
"Well, will you go Scarlett?" Sonic asked she just nodded
"While I'm with her my college will ask you a few questions. Btw my name is Albert and this is Sasha." Albert said turning to the fox behind him. You two nodded and Albert took Scarlett to a room.

With Scarlett~

"Well as you already know I'm Albert the  Wolf."
"Scarlett the cat."
"Well looks like you don't talk much, huh?"
She just nodded
"Well Scarlett what happened?
" What do you mean?"
"How did you met them?"
"Their names are (N) the (A) and Sonic the Hedgehog. And (N) was with some other children, one of them approached me. And that's how we met."
"Have you been in their house?"
"Yes that day we met, they asked me to go with them."
"Do you trust them?"
"At the start I didn't but now I do."
"So how was their house."
"Pretty big. I have a big room. Don't worry." Scarlett said looking a bit bored at the wolf. He just sweatdropped.
"So, how did you um, lost your parents?"
"They were fighting I just passed by and they beat me up and then kicked me out."
"How did they hit you?"
"Punches and slaps."
"Do you have any bruises.? Let me see them."
"Okay." she pulled up her blouse revealing bandaged bruises.
"Okay. Did your parents drink a lot?"
"What about your leg why is like that?"
"This is from when they beat me up. I was with broken leg and tail but an old man saw me on the street. He took me to the hospital.  Walking I told him about my family. In the hospital he lied he was my grandfather and that my parents were dead. He took care of me but then he had a heart attack and died. Three days later I met (N) and Sonic."
Albert was staring at her wide eyed.

"How much time you were with that man?"
"A month."
"What was his name?"
"I don't remember."
"What are your patents' names?"
"Don't remember either. The man told me that after the incident I got amnesia. The only thing I remember was the fight no more."
"Okay Scarlett. Do you want to see your parents again?"
"No, I hate them."
"How did it come that you are wanted for adoption?"
"One morning (N) and Sonic told me I captured their hearts."
"Did they ask you do you want it?"
"Yeah I said I want them to be my parents."
"So what are they working?"
"They are heroes." Scarlett said a bit cheerfully with a little smile
"Oh yeah Sonic the Hedgehog. What about (N)?"
"She is a teacher. But she is doing it for free."
"Oh really?"
"Yeah she teaches children that don't have money for a regular/ordinary school."
"So Scarlett I don't have more questions to ask. Thank you for your time."
"For nothing."

With you and Sonic~

"So I'm Sasha the fox."
"I'm (N) the (A)."
"Sonic the hedgehog."
"So please let's watch what's going on with Scarlett, huh?" Sasha said as sh tuned on a monitor showing Scarlett and Albert talking.

After the two of you heard everything~

"I never knew this." you said looking down
"Well now you know. Sonic you save the world right?"
"(N) you are a teacher, right?"
"But no money? How will you take care of her that way?"
"Huh? Oh yeah I'm a writer too. I write books for children and adults. Dramas, romances, fairy tales and more."
"Oh can I see contracts."
"Oh yeah." you said as you gave the contracts to her"

Scarlett and Albert came to you.
"So tomorrow we will come to see the house and everything. So see ya tomorrow." Albert said as you three walked home.

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