Ch11 Finaly to meet Sam

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"I swore to myself he'll pay for what he had done." You said "(N) calm down." Sonic said you sighed "Let's go." "Where?" "Anywhere I don't want to stay here." "Okay."

You and Sonic were walking home when something hit you in the head. You turn around and saw nothing just children running in the near forest (I LOVE FORESTS OKAY?) laughing "Grhhh... These little -" "Leave them!" "Sonic I have a past as a teacher. I may can't control my anger but I can control 100 mischievous devils whole day. So I won't have problem with this." You said as you run after the children. Sonic after you. (Of course)

Few mins later

"Ughh.. We lost them." "Whatever let's just go home." Sonic said and the two of you got home.

2 weeks later

It was night and you were under an apple tree watching another house.

"Hey!" Sonic said. You turned to him and smiled a little "Hi!" You said as you stared again at the house. "What are you staring at?"
"You know her?" Sonic asked and realized he was talking about 'Sam' ()

" "You know her?" Sonic asked and realized he was talking about 'Sam' ()

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"Just a friend of mine."
"So tell me about that girl."
"Well this is Sam."
"Why don't you go talk to her?"
"Uh? No, no way."
"Why no?"
"I just can't."
"Then let's just go to her." Sonic said grabbing you in bridal style "What? Sonic wait-"

But it was too late Sam spotted you "What? (N)?" She said happily as she ran and hugged you "Come in ya two."

Next time

"Who Is he? Is he your boyfriend? If not you remember our promise, don't you?"
'What? boyfriend?'
"Well we met at the forest..."

Sonic The Hedgehog X Reader •Confused•  Story + Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now