Ch13 I love her

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Sonic's POV

Me and Sam were talking so much that I didn't realise (N) was sleeping on my shoulder. I look at her and smiled "You can sleep together in her room If ya want?" Sam said and I nodded. She stood and I followed her to (N)'s room.

I laid (N) on the bed and lay next to her. When I was about to fall asleep I felt a hand over me. I opened eyes and saw (N)'s beautiful sleeping face. 'She is so freaking cute.'

"...Sonic..." (N) mumbled and opened her eyes.
"Why did you say you're my boyfriend?" She asked
"Well I don't wanna lose you..."
"What?" (N) said chuckling

"Why are you so damn cute..."

"Cuz I can. " she said.
"What didn't you say 'why are you so damn cute?' " she asked I sighed
"Did I say it out loud?"
"Yep." (N) said as she giggled
"Oh my. Sam will get angry if she find out about this." (N) said
"Don't worry about it. Leave it to me!" I said she smiled and hugged me tightly.
"Night Sonic."
"Night (N)."

Around 2 am

'I'm thirsty Damn it...' I stood and got to the kitchen then I saw Sam. She was drinking coffee. "Um hey." I said
"Are you always up so early?" I asked.
"Well (N) wakes me up cuz school usually starts at 5am."
"Yeah we teach a lot if children."
"You teach children?"
"Well we did before she left."
"Huh. Will she start again?"
"Probably." Sam said as I sit in front of her.
"Hey Sam I have to tell you something. Me and (N) aren't together."
"What did you just said?!"

"I just said I was her boyfriend cuz... I didn't know why I said it. But..."
"But what?"
"But now I know I love her. I just don't know how to tell her a-and I-"
"Just confess to her. I'm sure she will accept your feelings."
"Really? You think so?"
"Of course."
"T-Thank you."

"But I swear. If you break her heart, I will break every bone in your body." Sam said looking scary I gulped and nodded then when I got to the room (N) was ...

Next time

"G-GHAA! I'm sorry I'm sorry."
"(N)! (N)!" ~???


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