Chapter 6: Friendship

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Hey :) I don't know if this is any good or not so if you read it please let me know what you think because i'd really appreciate it :D thank you!


"Wawaiwait....the rules of Ring of Fire state that if you get the fourth King you have to drink the middle glass!" Gerard hiccupped. 

"No, it's the person to your left who has to drink it!" I giggled. Around my kitchen table in my halls sat Gerard, Holly, myself and a girl who lived in the room next to me in my flat, Annie. We had been drinking for hours and we were all pretty wasted at this point.

"Izzy, drink it!" Holly screeched, clapping her hands in amusement at the fact I had to drink a glass of vodka, gin and beer combined.

"I hate you all," I laughed, before picking up the glass and drinking the entire glass in one reluctant gulp. It tasted so rancid that it nearly came back up but I managed to hold it in and everyone cheered. 

"I'm going for a smoke," Annie slurred. She got up and stumbled out of the kitchen.

"Wait for me!" Holly shouted, running after her.

"You're gonna be far too drunk by the time that drink hits you," Gerard grinned. I was already feeling a little too intoxicated as the room started spinning and I couldn't work out where Gerard was in the room. "Come on," he grinned. He picked me up from my chair and helped me walk to my room by placing his arm around me and pulling me along. He placed me onto my bed and sat on my desk chair beside me.

"I'm not drunk," I laughed. I was really drunk.

"You're fun, new girl," he smiled.

"You're fun too but I feel sorry for you," I blurted out. I didn't realise that I was speaking my mind because of how drunk I was, but you know what they say- a drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts!

"Feel sorry for me?" he responded. "Why?"

"Because of Sophia," I said shamelessly. "She wants you in private but she won't be seen dead with you in public because of stupid high school cliques that she brought with her to university."

"Excuse me?"

If I hadn't have been so drunk, I probably would have noticed that he was angry and wouldn't have continued. In fact, If I had been sober I wouldn't have actually said the words that just came out of my mouth.

"She's just manipulative and likes to have people under her control," I continued, closing my eyes ready to fall asleep. "She doesn't like you."

"Yeah? What would you know new girl?" he spat. "Last time I checked, you weren't there for the past four years watching Sophia and I, so you wouldn't know what our relationship is about."

"What I know," I said, opening my eyes and sitting upright so that he would realise how serious I was being. "Is about girls like her. I know what she's like. I know she's not into you. If she was into you she would be going with you to your art shows so you wouldn't have to ask girls like me. If she was into you, she would proudly walk through NYU with you because you are cute and kind and sexy. If she was into you, she wouldn't ignore you in front of her friends, she would introduce you to them. So what I know, Gerard, is the difference between a relationship and a booty call."

He looked at me, stunned. It all of a sudden dawned on me that I had abandoned my cunning plan to get Gerard away from Sophia by being the nice innocent girl and had instead blurted out exactly what I had been thinking for the past couple of days. I looked into Gerard's eyes to see whether he was mad at me or not. But he wasn't. He was looking at me intently with a slight smile. His eyes were closing and I all of a sudden realised that he was going in to kiss me. ll of a sudden, I felt the taste of vodka and gin creeping up my throat. I prayed that this wasn't going to be one of those typical moments where the guy tries to kiss the girl and she throws up before he gets the chance. I swallowed nervously and closed my eyes, trying to ignore the fact that I needed to puke. But it was no use.

I threw up. On his shoes. 

"Gerard I am SO sorry!" I begged.

"Don't worry," he said, laughing loudly. "You get some sleep new girl, I'll come by tomorrow and check on how you're doing. Maybe I'll bring you breakfast."

He walked out, leaving me to sleep off the alcohol in my system. I was drunk enough that I didn't think much about Gerard's attempt to kiss me, and by the time I awoke in the morning I managed to convince myself that it was didn't actually happen.

I was drunk, I probably made it up. He was probably just blinking and I thought he was trying to kiss me. It was nothing.

Did I really tell him what I thought of Sophia?

Did he say he was coming to buy my breakfast?

I was brought back down to reality when a knock sounded at my door. Checking my phone, I noticed that Gerard had text me to inform me that he was on his way over. Sitting upright in my bed, I noticed that I was wearing yesterday's make-up and had puke on my floor. Horrified, I got up quickly and washed my face. I brushed my hair and my teeth, re-applied some make-up and changed into some black jeans and an Avenged Sevenford t-shirt. I breathed in deep and opened the door, excited to see Gerard.

It wasn't Gerard.

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