Chapter 7: Breakfast

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"Isabel you need to stop fucking everything up for everyone!"

She pushed past me and stormed into my room.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked in shock. "What's the problem?"

"You can't just come over here, flirt with guys and take them away from the girls who are into them! You're gonna end up getting a punch in the face!"

"From who, you?!" I shouted. She gave me a look of despair and anger and I couldn't understand why she was saying this stuff to me. I half-expected to get a speech like this from a girl like Sophia. But not from Holly.

"Sophia is a bitch," she said. "But she has been my friend for a long time and I know how she works. She won't drop Gerard."

"Holly why do you know so much about all of this?" I asked. "Why do you care?"

"Because I wanted him," she stated. "In senior year at high school, I told Sophia I wanted to date Gerard because he was nicer than all of the morons we went to school with. I asked her if I could ask him out. She punched me Izzy. I went to prom with a black eye and no date. Gerard had no date either. Sophia was dating one of the popular guys."

"You wanted Gerard?"

"Yes," she sighed. "I'm not into him now, so you don't have to worry. But I'm telling you Izzy, she's not gonna let this go."

"I don't care!" I laughed. "I'm not afraid of her. This isn't high school anymore Hol, you can't be bullied by some girl just because she thinks she's better than you."

At that moment another knock sounded at the door. I resented myself for feeling nervous that it was Sophia. I didn't want to be afraid of her.

"Hey," smiled Gerard at me as I opened the door. "You ready for that breakfast?"


Gerard led me to a nearby park and sat me down. He didn't say much and he looked both shy and tired.

"I thought we were going for breakfast?" I asked.

"We are," he grinned. He opened the carrier bag which he had been holding and presented a number of breakfast foods such as bread, cheese and fruit. He also pulled out a bottle of orange juice and two Starbucks iced coffees. "I think I remembered what Starbucks you got last time but if I got it wrong, I'm sorry."

"Wow this is really nice," I blushed, admiring the effort he had gone to.

"Hey, breakfast is the most important meal of the day," he said. "Especially when you have a hangover."

For a few moments we ate in silence before I gathered the courage to say something about the night before.

"I'm sorry about last night," I said. "I said things I shouldn't have, and I don't know enough about stuff to be saying shit like that to you-"

"No, don't apologise," he said through a mouthful of bread. "What you said got me thinking, and you're right. I've spent about six years chasing after Sophia and constantly thought I was getting somewhere when I wasn't. I've been heartbroken, walked all over, mocked and embarrassed by her so many times. It's just that...when you're in love with somebody, you'll do anything, you know?"

"I always thought that true love can only be reciprocated love," I responded. "You can think you love somebody but it can be misinterpreted for lust, no matter how real it feels. Unrequited love is so much different to true love, in my opinion."

"Well I wouldn't know," he said. "And if I chase after Sophia my whole life I'll never know. I think it's time I went out looking for somebody who loves me back."

"Can you really get over her that easily after six years?" I asked whilst mentally crossing my fingers and hoping that he would say yes.

"I think I can let go," he said, smiling at me. "I just need to find somebody to take my mind off of it."

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