Chapter 25: Bad News, Good News

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Gerard and I jumped into a taxi and headed for the hospital. He held my hand and tried to comfort me as I held back a panic attack. I was so scared of what was going on. Gerard called his mom but she didn't answer the phone. I felt completely afraid of the entire situation. I had been in the states for about two months but I could only stay for ninety days without a visa before returning to the UK. I hadn't told my own family that I was pregnant, and I was afraid to return home to tell them.

We went into the emergency room and told them the problem. We were told to fill out a couple of forms and wait to be called. Gerard filled out the forms and told me not to panic, but I could feel that something was wrong. I could feel the bleeding and I was completely filled with fear. Eventually we got called by a doctor and went into a separate room.

Gerard explained the problem to him whilst I sat in silence, trying to remain calm. The doctor examined me and did an ultrasound. I lay on the hospital bed with Gerard holding my hand, trying not to cry.

"Okay Isabel...Way?" the doctor said, looking at the form. Gerard blushed slightly. 

"No, I'm Gerard Way, she's Isabel Spencer," Gerard explained.

"Oh, sorry," the doctor said. "Isabel, I've done an ultrasound and checked everything thoroughly and I'm really sorry but you aren't pregnant."

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"You're not pregnant," he said. "You've had a miscarriage."

I turned to look at Gerard. He was the only one who was excited about being pregnant, so he was likely to take this the worse. He was staring at the doctor and he looked...angry.

"How did this happen?" Gerard asked through gritted teeth.

"A miscarriage can be caused by a number of different factors," the doctor explained. "It can be due to DNA, or blood supply to the baby, or external factors such as smoking, drugs, drinking or caffeine...sometimes stress...."

"We didn't do any of these," Gerard said, looking worried. I could tell that he was blaming himself. We left the hospital and sat outside together. 

"Izzy is this my fault?" Gerard said through tears. 

"No," I said firmly. "Gerard this is nobody's fault. You can't blame yourself. You can't blame me. I don't blame anybody. But I really need you to support me now and not play the blame game."

He put his arm around my shoulders and hugged me tight.

"Any other guy would have run a mile by now," I said, kissing his cheek to comfort him. "You're one of a kind Gerard."

"I'm not leaving you," he promised. "I don't care what happens between us."


I had no idea how to deal with losing the baby. I went back home to the UK as I couldn't stay in the USA for more than ninety days at a time, but I didn't tell my family what had happened. I chose to block it out and pretend like it had never happened. That was the easiest way to cope...right? I didn't feel immediately maybe it was a good thing. We weren't ready anyway. We couldn't have raised a baby.... so why couldn't I get it out of my mind?

After a few weeks at home I went back to the US. 

"I'm so happy you're back," Gerard said, pulling me into a hug as he saw me at the airport. "I've missed you Izzy."

"I've missed you too," I smiled, pressing my lips onto his and feeling complete again. "I hate being apart from you G."

"Well, I've got a surprise for you," he beamed. "I've been so desperate to show you that it's driven me kinda crazy so I need to do it now."

I couldn't help but smile at him because his cheeks were red and rosy and it looked adorable. He looked really happy, and clean. His messy hair was cut shorter and he had lost all of the extra weight he'd put on since we graduated from NYU. He looked

He picked me up and carried me to his car, placing me in the front seat. He got into the driver's seat and then threw a piece of cloth at me.

"Put this on," he smiled.

"Is this a blindfold?" I asked. 

"Yes," he said, picking it up and tying it over my eyes. 

"This better be good," I grinned. We drove for a while and eventually the car stopped. Getting excited, I tried to take the blindfold off but I felt Gerard's hands covering my eyes before I had a chance.

"Give me a second!" he laughed, helping me out of the car and walking me a few steps. "Are you ready?" he asked.

"I'm ready," I smiled. He took off the blindfold and the sunlight hit me, making it difficult for me to see. When I finally adjusted my vision, I was looking at a small, two-storey house in a cosy looking neighbourhood. "Am I supposed to know where we are?" I asked.

"You are outside your new home," he smiled. I looked at him with my mouth wide open.

"This is your house?!" I practically shouted.

"No," he said, shaking his head. "This is our house."

"Are you for real?!" I screamed, as he nodded. He looked so happy. He led me inside and showed me around the house. It was small and quaint, but it was perfect. In the master bedroom Gerard had decorated it with posters of movies that we loved and his artwork.

"Gerard how did you afford this?" I asked.

"Well," he grinned. "My Chemical Romance sold 4,000 records. We've been meeting with this guy from Reprise Records who wants to sign us. We haven't signed anything yet but he loves our new material and we're probably gonna sign with them."

"Oh my god," I gasped, running into him and kissing him forcefully. "You are the luckiest man in the world!"

"I know," he said, kissing the end of my nose and smiling. "You deserve the best after everything we've been through."

"I love you so bad," I grinned, kissing him once more and dragging him into our new bedroom.


I woke up from sleeping off all of my jet-lag and it was 6.30 in the morning. I knew that Gerard was already awake because the smell of fresh coffee was sneaking into the bedroom.

"Good, you're up early," he smiled, passing me a hot cup of coffee.

"Why is that good?" I pouted, sitting upright in bed and taking a much-needed swig of coffee.

"I've got something for you to do today," he grinned, looking excited. "It's kind of...a game?"

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