Meeting Ricky

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Katy POV

It was getting late at night, I have been with the girls most of the day they where in the pool, I just sat on the sun bed watching them, its kinda sad to see them have fun they ask me all the time to join them but I'm not who I used to be, that fun bubbly girl that everyone loved, I'm now the girl that everyone treads on egg shells for they are always careful not to make me mad or upset, I sometimes actually wish it can go back to normal but it can never be the same, I can never be the same. Alpha Damon left about half an hour after our conversation about last night, apparently he should be home soon not that I care I'm going back to my home tomorrow, Libby is staying here to be with her mate some of the other girls are staying to they also found there mate, actually when I come to think about it they all look really happy, I think they might all stay here, I cant drag them with me forever, I need to be able to survive on my own even if I did stay here I doubt that shitty alpha would let me stay, I think he finds me annoying, jut looking at the girls now makes me want to cry, I've never felt this emotional before, I love them all so much.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard cars pulling up all the girls run round the front, I followed slowly as I turned to corner I stopped in my tracks, what I saw I just wanted to get in a box and cry he looked into my eyes with guilt and regret he started walking towards me

"fucking stay there Ricky" I shouted

"please katy, I'm so sorry I left you" he said then he started to cry

"your sorry, your fucking sorry, you left me in that place to die Ricky" I burst out crying, everyone was staring at us in shock.

"you left me there Ricky" I sobbed and fell to my knees, I was crying so bad the tears kept flowing, I felt arms wrap around me it was Ricky

"I'm so sorry, I should of came back to you, I'm so sorry ill never leave you again you are my best friend, I love you like a sister katy, what did they do to you they ruined you" he cried

"I forgive you Ricky, just don't leave me again please I'm begging you."

Alpha Damon

I just stared in shock what did my brother do to this girl he said they were best friends.

did they know each other from the army?

I remember her saying something about the army when we went to that therapy group. She looked so vulnerable there on the floor, I just wanted to hug her and make everything better, why am I even feeling these emotions, I want to know everything about that girl, I want to know how she got the scar on her face and why she has barely any teeth, I just want to make her forget, I want to take the pain away, who the fuck hurt her, I was getting angry and I let out a growl everyone snapped there head in my direction, I couldn't stop my wolf from taking over my eyes went black and he spoke

"who the fuck hurt you little mate" what the fuck does he mean mate I don't have a mate

"what do you mean mate Damon" my brother said

"get of my mate Ricky, she is mine" he growled

Conversation between Damon and his wolf Aidan

"give me back control Aidan"

"no she is mine and I will take what's mine"

"Aidan, I haven't spoken to you in over two years since Cynthia died"

"she died because of you"

"I'm sorry it had to happen just give me control, your scaring katy"

"she's mine"

"I know she is yours, just give me back control and we can take her"

"you promise Damon"

"I promise we will make her ours"


End of conversation

My eyes turned back to there normal colour, I started to regain control, katy looked so scared,

"sorry katy, my wolf took over, I couldn't control him sorry we scared you"

"what does your wolf mean by mate, I'm not your mate Damon" I growled when she said that, I started walking fast towards her, I picked her up and threw her over my shoulders.

"your mine katy, no one else's"


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