He noticed

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Katelyn's POV
I've been at Travis's for a while now. I fell asleep on his bed. When I woke up he was watching Netflix on his computers. I loved his silver hair and emerald eyes. Yup, it was official. I love Travis. I sat there staring into nothingness thinking about how I feel about him. Would he even be ready for commitment? I mean he's a player, but would he change that if he had a girlfriend? Ugh!!! Why did I have to fall in love with that cute idiot?! Actually, I knew he wouldn't be ready for that kind of stuff. But, I could still tell him. No, I mean things would be awkward. I don't want to ruin our friendship. But, it wouldn't be enough.
Travis POV
Katelyn's been staring into my wall for awhile now. She looks sad, I was about to ask what was wrong when I saw a year roll down her cheek. I rushed by her side. 
"Katelyn, what's wrong?"
She finally snapped out of it and realized she was crying wiping away her tears with her sleeve.
"Nothing. Don't worry about it."
I knew what was wrong.
"Awe, you need some more TLC don't you"
She started the blush. It was cute.
"Katelyn the tomato~thinking about Travis~"
She ran over to punch me and I flinched ,but she stopped right before she hit me. I thought time stopped, I thought Irene saved me. Katelyn slowly put her fist down.
"Psst, you missed your chance to punch me."
She smiled, but another tear rolled down her cheek.
"Kate, what's wrong. Seriously"
She looked into my eyes. I got lost in her glossy aqua blue eyes.
"Travis. I-I..." She stopped but then started talking again" L-love yo-"
Before she could finish, I pressed my lips against hers. At first, it was just me but then her soft lips melted. My tongue entered her mouth. After a few minutes, we pulled away. She didn't open her eyes. She put her arms around my neck and I put my arms around her waist. We started kissing again. We were there for a few minutes until someone broke the silence.
We both turned around and saw Dante, Laurence, and Garroth. Garroth ran as soon as he could. Laurence decided to join him. Dante stood the laughing his ass off. I knew what Katelyn would do. Was I wrong, no. Before I knew it Dante was knocked out. Katelyn turned around and looked at me.
"We need to make up a story!"
I looked at her and nodded.
We started talking about excuses to the situation. We talked for hours until Katelyn fell asleep. I carried her into bed and tucked her in. I didn't think she meant what she said so I slept on the couch, dreaming of Katelyn.

Travlyn, the lovely coupleWhere stories live. Discover now