Giving up

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Travis POV
Weeks. Months, have passed. No sign of Katelyn. Every night I try to think of why she left. It makes no sense, damn it. What if she's pregnant? That would make her 1...3..6..6 months pregnant! I mean, why would she do that? My parents have been 'so helpful'. And what I mean by that is telling me that she's probably dead and that I should move on. Thanks mom, and dad, thanks for sitting there nodding your head like an idiot. I know they didn't like her, but come on! That was just plain rude! I go to work everyday and think about what has happened to her. I wish the police could just find her. She's left no clues. No nothing!
Katelyn POV
I left because he wouldn't like it. No, his parents wouldn't like it. His father might hurt Travis for being so careless and witless. He would also probably make him break up with me. I've hated my decisions. I miss him, and he's probably freaking on where I am. If I went back, he would be to perplexed. If I didn't he might kill himself. My Irene, what am I to do? Because of my intimacy for him, I've only hurt him more. I've been living in a small apartment about 25 minutes away from Travis. I know I'm still close, but yet I feel to far from home.
Travis POV
What's the point? What if my parents are right? I couldn't stand the agony of such pain. What if she's been in front of my eyes this entire time? Ugh. My head hurts. In my way home from work, I stopped at Walgreens and grabbed some Advil. This lady in front of me was taking forever the get all her items checked out. She had so many things, food, clothes, pencils, headphones, some medicine, Arizona tea, and a few hair ties. I was starting to get annoyed at how long it was taking this dumb pregnant women to find her damn card. I told her "hurry the hell up! Some people have things to do."
She looked me dead in the eyes and I looked right into hers.  Her crystal blue eye, blue almost silver hair, and that's when I realized who she was. I started tearing up.

Travlyn, the lovely coupleWhere stories live. Discover now