The Flame Torch: Chapter Two

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My name is Alyssa Thomas, and I've lost all of my memories about myself. My friends and I have escape the Games called Capture The Flag but leaving some incredibly great friends behind. I have found out that we were being used for TV amusement by these TV host and who has created the Games of Capture The Flag. Watch out Elizabeth Winter because we're coming for you.


We all sat on comfortable chairs in the kitchen area that we found on the train.

I have made myself a coffee earlier dis morning which is absolutely delicious.

How long has it been since I actually had a coffee? Who knows right?

I sat down on a cream colour lounge as I felt that I was sinking into. Argh! I was taking a sip of my warm coffee until a strong heavy armed guard walked in and distributed the silence of the kitchen.

He wore an white helmet that covered his whole entire face, well except for a glass part of his helmet was black so you couldn't see his face as clearly. He actually somehow reminds me of an StarWars character for some heck of a reason. Even though I can remember StarWars but nothing about myself!

"Ladies and gentlemen, you all have an interview with a famous TV presenter from Thatcher City (I couldn't think of a name) News soon. We advice you all to get ready with the clothing that we have provided for you in your dorms on your beds, that has your names on a sheet of paper. We are to at least expect that you are ready by the time when the train has stop. And we also have provided you all a bus that will transport you all to the News Agency building on time. And we are to pick you up to get you to your hotel that you will be recently staying in." He says as he exited the room.

I raised a brow thinking what the heck?

Everyone looks at each other as we all decided that we should get ready since that we have an un notice or unplanned schedule to do.

Kaya, Amber, Emma and myself walked into our dorms and seeing that the guard was indeed telling the truth. There were brand new clothing on our beds with our own names on them.

I walked over towards my own bed with the note of paper that had my name on it. The StarWars Guard was right.

I removed the paper as I look at the clothing I was given too. I picked up my clothes that I was given too and went to the bathroom in our dorm.

I put on the clothes and I looked down. I wore an sky blue sleeveless shirt with a collar around my neck. A white scarf. A black cardigan that was long, long enough that it reached my thighs. A white skirt that went higher then my knees, just about. And also a pair of sky blue ballerina flats.

I look in the mirror as I saw my own reflection. My long dark brunette hair was a complete mess. My flaming blue eyes were the most blue that I've ever seen. My skin was a bit tan but not as much. I grabbed the hair brush and started brushing my hair.

Once I brushed it, my hair was up to my high waist. I smiled to myself as I walked out of the bathroom. I saw the girls in their new clothing as well.

(You can skip this part)

Emma had wore an grey shirt with a pale pink elbow sleeve cardigan with jet black jeans and pink ballerina flats. And her sunflower blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail. The clothes that she wore brung out her grass green eyes.

THE FLAME TORCH #book 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now