The Flame Torch: Chapter Fourteen

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My name is Alyssa Thomas, and I've lost all of my memories about myself. My friends and I have escape the Games called Capture The Flag but leaving some incredibly great friends behind. I have found out that we were being used for TV amusement by these TV host and who has created the Games of Capture The Flag. Watch out Elizabeth Winter because we're coming for you. We now know who is infected and have found The Black Hand's hideout and hopefully our friend will get the cure on time. Now we're playing the Game called... The Flame Torch.


As night time fell we all sat around the campfire, drunk. I wasn't as drunk as Ki. And plus me and the rest of us weren't even that drunk. Emma, Kaya, Dexter and Hannah had gone to bed early, guess that there tired? Or doesn't want to have fun?

"Okay my turn, Aris truth or dare?" Dylan asked him as he smiled weakly. I'm begging that Aris doesn't pick dare or Dylan does anything stupid.

"I'll go with Truth." Aris answered as Dylan nodded as he hummed in response, a very mysterious glint had shown in his eyes. I didn't like this not a single bit at all. I know that Dylan's gonna choose a stupid question and knowing Aris his gonna answer a stupid answer.

"Okay, erm... Oh! Are you still a virgin?" Dylan asked as he lifted his brows up and down. He had this look in his face, like he's up to something no good. His hands were underneath his chin as he stared at the nervously Aris.

He blushed, hard; his face turning into a scarlet colour. I did as well. I swore I could feel myself turning like a tomato by the heat rushing to my cheeks. My breathing picked up its pace as I looked over towards Aris.

He looked like he was in the same state as I am. I quickly put my hand into his own to calm him down as I rubbed my thumb against his skin. I noticed that his breathing calmed down a lot.

"Awe ishs Amaris embarrasssssstd? How swwweet!" Ki slurs as he did a laugh. You can prove someone is drunk aye? I gave Ki a death glare as he poked his tongue out like a four year old would do. Since his drunk I might as well not take him seriously.

"Uhm... Yeah." Aris muttered under his breath as he looked down nervously. I really don't get why his nervous? Well I do kind of. But why was I nervous again? But what in our old life's, what if we're not really a virgin? Well I can't say that since I don't remember anything.

"*gasp* OHH *he slaps his hands in his cheeks as he looks around, dumbly*! Daamn Amarisa! Yah havvvven't had da chance ta put dat *he points down* thang inta *points over to Alyssa as he gave her a confused look* whatever her naame is, yet? Damn and meh had zzzrouhht dat yah alllllreadddy gid!" Ki slurs once again. Okay that made no total sense since he talked in gibberish but the weirdest thing I did kind of understand it.

I had slapped my forehead as Aris chuckled. He forgot my name... Great, but hey at lest my name isn't a girl and a shipping name (Amaris is a real girls name (well I think?) and the shipping name for Amber and Aris).

"Okay then, my turn... Amber. Truth or dare?" Aris asked her as she shrugged. She grinned as she shrugged and looked back to Aris.

"I'll do dare." Amber said as Aris nodded and smirked, mysteriously. I had bit my bottom lip nervously as I tried not to smile. Aris and I know that Amber likes Colton and Colton likes Amber. How? By the way they stare at each other that's how. And maybe he's gonna do a dare including him? To be honest I don't know yet?

THE FLAME TORCH #book 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now