The Flame Torch: Chapter Ten

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(I'm sorry for the late update, I've been busy writing notes and school and yeah. And this is a longer chapter too. Please forgive me for being an slow update)

(WARNING‼️⚠️⚠ near the end it's a bit sexual (as my friend said) so I'll put a warning notice so that you can skip that part if you wish?)

My name is Alyssa Thomas, and I've lost all of my memories about myself. My friends and I have escape the Games called Capture The Flag but leaving some incredibly great friends behind. I have found out that we were being used for TV amusement by these TV host and who has created the Games of Capture The Flag. Watch out Elizabeth Winter because we're coming for you. We're now trapped in a total new Game. And we have to play because one of us is in infected. And if we don't play one of us would die. Now we're playing the Game called... The Flame Torch.


We are now in a city type. I saw lots of broken buildings that were crumbled to bits or either bent over. Glass was scattered everywhere that I could possibly see. Dust of sand was flying into the air and back to the ground making little sandstorms of their own. It was until I saw a dark glimpse or shadow of movement near a broken window of a fallen building.

"Then I said, look who's talki-"

"Shush!" I hushed as they all looked at me. They gave me confusing looks.


"Shut up!" I harshly whispered as I pointed to where I saw the movement. They looked where I was pointing as I saw another glimpse of a shadow. I then heard a low growling type noise. I frowned as I backed up away from the building. More growls could be heard. My heart was starting to race as I saw what has been making the noises. My eyes widen in fear.

"HAUNT DEMONS!" John had yelled as we began to run. There was two of them. One began to chase after a group. One stayed behind, growling at us. We backed up slowly away from the ugly creature as it made more noises, not wanting to cause any trouble.

"On the count of three, we run." Hannah harshly whispered as I nodded. I slowly grabbed my blade as I heard louder growls.

"THREE!" Thomas had yelled as we began running the other direction. I heard the roars as it began to chase after us. I sprinted as I followed Hannah. She turned a corner as we did the same.

"IN HERE... HURRY!" She yelled as she slid and went into a abandoned, old warehouse broken window. I had slid across the hard, hot, dry desert ground and went through the small warehouse window.

We climbed under a rooftop to cover us. I heard nothing. Only silence, a torturous silent. I could hear everyone's heavy breathing as I tried to stay calm, not wanting the Haunt Demon to hear.

I heard a low growl and rustling that came from above us. I heard it's own terrifying footsteps coming closer towards us. I could hear it sniffing us out. I heard a growl of pleasure as I saw dribble from above us. My eyes widen... The Haunt Demon was right on top of us.

My heart started to race as I felt my tears started boiling up. I knew that if The Flame Torch didn't kill me I knew that the Haunt Demons would.

It was until I heard a gun shot, fired above us. I then saw the Haunt Demon fell to the ground as I heard a scream. I turned around seeing Grace scream. Thomas quickly covered her mouth with his hand. She muffled scream as tears were falling. She grabbed onto Thomas as she cried into his jacket, if Emma or Dylan was here I bet that they would be jealous.

I saw the Haunt Demon bleeding out as it's own dark blue blood pool was surrounding it. It's own mouth was hanging out on the side, uncomfortably as its saliva dripped out and it's own huge tongue was lying about. The sight made me feel sick as I started to feel my stomach turning.

THE FLAME TORCH #book 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now