Chapter 1 - There's a new superhero in town.

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You rose up from your bed and took a quick glance at your alarm clock.

"'s 8:00 o' clock haha... Wait- EIGHT O' CLOCK?!" You stumbled out of your bed and to the bathroom. You took a literal 1 minute bath and dried yourself up with your towel which was conveniently placed down on the wet, bathroom floor.

You threw on some clothes and brushed your hair, brushing the knots out of it. Because you were lazy to pick clothes, you just wore a (f/c) sweatshirt and a pair of (f/c) ripped jeans with matching (f/c) converse.

You tied your hair up in a messy bun and wore your special necklace that someone left you as a gift when you got home. You didn't know who sent you this but boy was it special to you.

"Hurry (y/n)! You're going to be late for school!" Your kwami, Lori announced. You nod and grabbed your side bag. You opened it widely and Lori snuck inside. Lori is a female, very very small fox- that floats.

"Come on!" She pleaded. You let out a small giggle because of her mother-like attitude and darted out the door. You saw your mom asleep and sprawled on the kitchen counter like a dead person. You giggled and kissed her forehead.

"Bye mom." You whispered softly in her ear and while tip-toeing your way out of the house. You ran as fast as your legs could handle as you tiredly reached your high school. You sighed in relief when you saw that people were still there, busily talking to one another.

"Nice going (y/n)..." Lori whispered. You both giggled and she snuck back inside your bag.

You were a new student so you barely knew anyone. Some people looked at you suspiciously but you just flashed them an awkward smile. You passed by the lockers, avoiding eye contact with everyone as you hastily ran into your classroom. You shut the door behind you and leaned on it, panting heavily due to your anti-social efforts. You sighed in relief knowing that you were the first one in the classroom... Or so you thought you were. You saw a fair heighted, blonde boy in the front writing something.

"Oh hey!" He greeted as he noticed you, green eyes sparkling. He walked over to you and you examined his face.

"I'm-" he got cut off by your face, examining it.

"Adrien?" You asked curiously.

"(Y/n)?" He answered ignoring your question.

"Nice to see you again hello kitty" You smirked. He laughed and you joined in. He hugged you pulling you off your feet as you struggled to breath but returned the hug anyways.

"Someone's touchy today" You said nearly losing oxygen. He let you go immediately and you almost face planted onto the floor. Okay... maybe you did?

"Gee.. i sure loveeee! It when someone drops me on the floor" You stated sarcastically still laying flat on the floor. He gasped as if he didn't know his crime and helped you up.

"Gee... You haven't change did ya?" He sighed.

"Neither did you" You laughed and he joined you. The bell rung and Adrien went back to his seat. He looked at you with a 'see you later' face and you looked at him with a 'watch out cat boy' face.

You two chuckled and people started pouring in. Some looked at you as if you had a men's crotch tattooed on your forehead and some smiled at you as if they knew you for 15 years. The teacher came in and she noticed you were standing in front of the door.

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