Chapter 36 - The new Brat...

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So the picture above is the wonderful work of @Lala8OVA43ver (sorry if its wrong😓) its really beautiful! Thank you so much!!!! Now back to the story...

~???'s point of view~

ARGHHH!!! I can't believe it!!! Ugh! She STILL has Adrien for herself! I hate her!!! I just want to choke her, slit her throat, and much more!! The list goes from A to Z!!!

"Girl you gotta get rid of her!" My best friend Hanae growled.

"I know... And I have the perfect plan to do that.." I smirked.

"OMG tell me Riku!" My other best friend Chichi clapped.

"Sure. But after I powder my nose! Ugh! That girl ruined my makeup!" I hissed sashaying to the girl's bathroom.

"Come on dimwits!" I growled at them.

"Coming Riku!!!" They answered running after me.

"Ugh you guys are such grandpa's..." I rolled my eyes at them and continued to go to the bathroom.

~your point of view~

After school...

"I heard what the girl's name was. It was Riku Nakahara. But that's not all that I've learnt. I also heard that she was THE most popular girl here! She's a popular actress and actor's daughter so she's like SUPER RICH! She dated at least half of the boys at school and she's named the 'queen of Tokyo Satoko high!" Alya informed us.

"WHAT?!" Marinette and I slammed the table as the boys looked at us weirdly.

"Oh uhh... Sorry..." Marinette apologized as I just sighed.

"Anyway I'm going home..." I sighed as I slipped my bag on and changed my slippers into my black converse. I locked my locker when Adrien hugged me from behind. I groaned as I attempted to walk but ended up getting Adrien to give me a piggy back ride.

"Adrien!!! Put me down!!!" I ordered but being the naughty cat he is he ignored me.

"See ya guys!" He waved goodbye at our friends and we ran off home. We reached our house. Adrien put me down and unlocked the door. I darted inside and to the twins' room.

"Adrianna? Andrew? I'm home!" I announced looking around. I saw Miki playing with the kids and they looked like they were having fun.

"Wow Miki. You've done a really great job!" I complimented carrying Adrianna and Andrew in my arms.

"Chucks! It was nothing!' She giggled.

"Say... You guys want to hangout with nanny Miki more?~" I asked the twins. They smiled and giggled.

"I'll take that as a yes!" I giggled kissing their foreheads. Adrien bursted in the room panting. Me and Miki giggled.

"Here you are Miki." I chuckled giving her my pay.

"Thanks Mrs.Agreste!" She smirked and ran off.

"Hey babe why didn't you call yourself (y/n) Agreste instead of (y/n) (l/n) back in school?" Adrien asked fiddling with book.

"Because! Our marriage is private for strangers unless we really trust them!" I spat.

"Ohhhh right!" He chuckled and carried Adrianna in his arms.

"It's like a mix of our faces!" Adrien exclaimed looking at Adrianna and Andrew.

"Yeah... They have different eye colors and hair colors..." I giggled.

"Hey you wanna go to Nino's place tomorrow? He's throwing a party... The whole class is invited!" Adrien exclaimed.

"But who's gonna take care of the twins?" I asked.

"Miki can!" He said.

"You do know that Miki has other responsibilities besides our kids right?" I spat at him.

"Then lets ask her if she's free tomorrow!" Adrien suggested. Before I could speak up he put Adrianna in her crib and grabbed his phone. He dialed Miki. Dammit Adrien.

"Hello?" Miki answered through the phone.

"Hello it's Mr.Agreste! Dang I feel old! Anyway are you free tomorrow?" Adrien asked.

"Yup! What do you need?" She asked.

"Well we were wondering if you could maybe... Watch the kids for us tomorrow?" Adrien nervously asked.

"Of course! See you tomorrow Mr.Agreste!" She chuckled and ended the call.

The next day... (Im so lazy af...)

~Riku's point of view~

Warning! May contain foul language! Don't read if you don't like!

I'm in my seat texting my friends about the plan to ruin Adrien and (y/n)'s relationship. The bell rings and students started to pour in the classroom. I groaned and tucked my phone back in my pocket. I watched the students walk in the classroom until my eyes lock upon the evil 2 timing bitch. Like I know that there's something going on with (y/n) and Nathan.

I stand up and greet Adrien.

"Hey Adrien!" I greeted him.

"Oh. Hi?" He nervously chuckled. I glanced at his hand and saw that he was holding the bitch's hand and of course being the hero that I am I rip it off.

"Ugh! Why are you even in a relationship with this wrench?!" I cussed.p

"Umm. Because she's the one I love!" He shot back.

"I can be so much more than her!" I pointed at the bitch in disgust.

"Just look at her! She's nothing but blood-sucking bitch!" I laughed.

"If I'm a bitch then what are you? A slutty whore who possibly has slept with almost half the school?!" The bitch spat. I looked around and saw many glares and disgusted faces looking at me.

"S-Shut up bitch!" I scolded.

"I'll only shut up if you agree that you ARE a whore!" She smirked.

"Ugh!" I slapped her face as she slapped back earning 'ohhhh''s from the whole class including her friends and Adrien.

"Don't touch me you slut!" She spat as she slapped me again but harder this time. I growled at her and ran away.

"Fuck her..."


Ohhhh snap!!! She just got burned!!!! Hahahahaha!!! Serves her right!!! Oh btw thank you again for @Lala8OVA43ver!!! The drawing is so so beautiful and creative!! Seriously she draws better than me! I hope you like this chapter because im gonna make a longer one later! Since hell aka school is starting and that means no stories for 5 days a week!!! NOOO!!! I can only update on weekdays;-; ugh!!!! WHY?!!!! See you in the next chapter!!! I LOVE YOU ALL KITTENS!!! BYE BYE!!!!❤️❤️❤️

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